How are you and how was your week? Feb. 5 edition

How are you and how was your week?

Last week report:
Journal every day - most days!
Hip exercises every day - did 6 days
Shoulder pt - did a few things on my own, first appt is this AM (was hoping they could fit me in last week but they couldn’t)
7/7 healthy coping - done, yesterday was the 20th day in a row!!! I have worked HARD for this
Sustainable running- tried and did run less than last week, but high hamstring tendonitis is still bugging me so the amt of running I did didn’t accomplish this. Running this week will be minimal if any
Rest day mon - I did that!

1 rest day (didn’t even go for a walk)
1 x 2700 yds ish swim (just sidestroke and easy breaststroke)
5 runs (27.8 mi total)
Bunch of walking
One very short “lift” that was mostly hip exercises, but involved a couple machines instead of just body weight exercises

Goals this week
Let hamstring tendons get better
7/7 healthy coping
Hip and shoulder rehab stuff daily
Journal every day
Swim tba, will update after I see the PT (who is a former college swimmer- I did my research)

Affirmation and mantra this week is “I can stick to my plan”

Non exercise things to look forward to this week
Mailing some valentines and a cool random gift I found for someone
Tapping my maple trees
I have some interesting books to read
I might go to poetry open mic night tonight- I did memorize something to perform

Affirmation and mantra this week is “I can stick to my plan”

done 1.9999 days as today is almost over (am fighting anxiety and have DEPLOYED THE HEALTHY COPING)

Non exercise things to look forward to this week
Mailing some valentines and a cool random gift I found for someone
Tapping my maple trees
I have some interesting books to read
I might go to poetry open mic night tonight- I did memorize something to perform

Valentines mailed, got a couple more to make. Did that yesterday
one tree tapped today to test something out. All other trees identified
Read a little yesterday
Did go to open mic night which was fun and inspiring

sticking to my plan today was hard but I did it and I’m proud of myself!

I have been sticking to the plan and SO PROUD OF MYSELF because it isn’t easy. (It might be getting a bit easier?)

I’m a touch anxious right now. Deploying the skills. I can handle this. I WANT to handle this healthfully.

I have 26 days of healthy coping behind me and am having some feELiNgS