How are you and how was your week? Dec. 25 edition

How are you? How was your week?

I’ll update on the week tomorrow, started the thread bc am trying to distract myself / sit through some feelings

I have completely lost track of what day of the week it is. Thanks for reminding me it’s Monday!

Last week - 2 swims, 4 rides, 5 runs

never came back to writing goals last week, had like 5.5/7 days healthy coping. Main goals were 7/7, and use healthy skills on my travel day and post travel day (that one is tough as I always am soooo tired). I give myself a B+ on travel day and the post travel day

Goals for this week are 1. Healthy coping skills 7/7 2. Journal every day 2. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (at least). 3. Get on a sustainable amt of running
as far as (1) yesterday wasn’t perfect but it was really really close

The 2 min pause is just set a timer on my phone and sit or lay doing nothing for two min (ok to put music on). It is a calm down technique I am practicing.

Hello! I hope Christmas ended up with at least some merriment! Our merriment was that we got power back after decamping to my MIL’s for almost a week, only to promptly get something 'flu-like for the actual day itself. Sigh.

I’ve been drowning in work year-end chaos and my husband’s mental health challenges, so I haven’t had a lot of time to focus on myself and goals and all that good stuff because I’m mostly focused on the fact that I’m hanging on by a thread. Two more days to go and then we’re into a new year of work chaos, which will hopefully be less time-sensitive and I can breathe a little. And start training for that full I signed up for. Hahahahaha…

I hope this week is going better, Dr. TC. I like your 2-minute pauses; I might have to adopt that.

I’m glad you replied as I forgot the pauses…

Xmas did have merriment - on that day, and lots the day before and after.

I’m sorry you’re hanging on by a thread. I can’t believe I didn’t ask you about your electricity situation (my parents’ was out for 4 days but they were fine; cooked on the woodstove and all that).