How are the Trump supports doing around your circles now?

Heard it all year from them.

Trump this, Trump that, etc.

Since the election they have divided into 2 groups.

One has become very quiet. They are strong conservatives, who appreciated what Trump accomplished in his run, but have been very quiet in their political banter since the election. Some of them usually try to bring up politics, not anymore.

The other is playing the victim card. They are calling fraud. They are saying that government is out to get us. First it was he will win the lawsuits, then it was the EC won’t vote for Biden, now they are down to Pence stopping Biden from taking office. I feel for them as reality just doesn’t seem to be clicking with them.

It’s weird that they were so vocal about Trump winning the day after the election and calling it, but now crying that it isn’t official yet.

Dems really cried a lot after such shock in 16. “Trump is not my president”, etc.

But this is an entirely different level.

Trump supporters I know are taking vacations and getting ready for Christmas, shopping and watching their kid’s youth sports, like they do every December.

Most don’t seem to care about the result now that its a done deal. Or at least don’t post about it beyond memes.

I really only have one vocal Trump supporter in my circle, an ICU doc (black Nigerian, FWIW). He couldn’t shut up about Trump since before the 2016 election. Literally, he’d fill the hallways in the unit with his booming voice carrying on about America hating socialists, Comey, deep state, suppression polls, you name it. He was easy to trigger into a shouting…conversation?..but always collegial–his opinions never carried over into animosity for people who disagreed with him.

He’s been chastened since early November. He never brings it up, and no one wants to bring it up with him. He’s actually much more enjoyable to be around since. We talk football and other guy stuff, now.

I talked to my sister yesterday. She had been a big supporter…She didn’t even vote for hime. Thank goodness, I guess people dan wise up.

There seem to be three groups:

  1. “Trump was not a real Republican anyway. I am glad he lost- now I can go back to complaining about Democrats.”
  2. Whisper- “Trump was awesome. It was definitely super duper extra secret fraud- that Trump got less votes and lost.”
    This group will NOT declare that “it was fraud” in public. They will only say it in private, to like minded individuals. (I hear them whispering in the hall, or on the phone with right wing friends).
    The fact that they know enough to NOT express their views in public is telling.
    They have put their continued support of Trump in the same category as their negative feelings about minorities and their religious beliefs. It is NOT something they want to discuss in public.
  3. Out loud- “Trump won. Libtards stole the election.”
    The members of this group do NOT have white collar (or customer facing jobs).
    I only see them driving around and ocassionally getting into arguments at the grocery store.

Not really my “circle”, but there are still some signs and flags out, especially at the houses that were all in. Maybe they are just too lazy to tidy the yard.

This is a pretty moderate area where Trump got a pasting despite the moderate republican winning the congressional seat by more than ever, so being that fanatical about Trump is not the norm.

I recently moved from northern VA to middle rural VA (aka Trumpistan) and I have seen very few Trump signs come down, and they’re everywhere down here. I don’t know if that’s got anything to do with his temper tantrum protest, or if people just plan to leave them up for community Trump Supporter cred, or what. I don’t remember political signs as prominent staying up through Christmas to this extent in the past, though. I suspect they’ll just become part of the landscape for a few years until the weather has its way with them.

I don’t have any vocal Trump supporters in my circle.
Even the conservative leaning people in my circle aren’t Trump supporters.
There was one contractor I would do work with who was a vocal Trump supporter, but I cut my personal and professional ties with him a while ago. Professionally, because he was a shitty communicator and started to price gouge, personally because his social media stuff was just a constant stream of memes about Libtards, snowflakes, etc. If all you’re interested in throwing out to the internet ether is insults, I really have no interest in talking with you. It’s funny, the guy is one of those “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” type conservatives, but, he’s 32, morbidly obese and still living with his parents. He is good at what he does professionally (minus his customer service skills) and makes great money. I’m not sure why he can’t get his own act together.

Apparently “circling” the Oregon state capitol.

I heard today that Trump has all the evidence he needs to stay in office and that it will be unleashed on us on Jan 6th. Apparently he will be backed by 10 million supporters and will claim the Presidency. If not, time for martial law.

I heard today that Trump has all the evidence he needs to stay in office and that it will be unleashed on us on Jan 6th. Apparently he will be backed by 10 million supporters and will claim the Presidency. If not, time for martial law.

I heard the Rapture was going to take place January 5 so we are all good. Our sources probably have the same percent chance of being correct.

I heard today that Trump has all the evidence he needs to stay in office and that it will be unleashed on us on Jan 6th. Apparently he will be backed by 10 million supporters and will claim the Presidency. If not, time for martial law.

I heard the Rapture was going to take place January 5 so we are all good. Our sources probably have the same percent chance of being correct.

But of course. My source has been predicting the rapture since early 2012. They have been wrong no less than 30 times at this point, but hey, why stop now?

I heard today that Trump has all the evidence he needs to stay in office and that it will be unleashed on us on Jan 6th. Apparently he will be backed by 10 million supporters and will claim the Presidency. If not, time for martial law.

Just like the health care plan and everything else, it’s coming in two weeks.

I heard today that Trump has all the evidence he needs to stay in office and that it will be unleashed on us on Jan 6th. Apparently he will be backed by 10 million supporters and will claim the Presidency. If not, time for martial law.

I heard the Rapture was going to take place January 5 so we are all good. Our sources probably have the same percent chance of being correct.

But of course. My source has been predicting the rapture since early 2012. They have been wrong no less than 30 times at this point, but hey, why stop now?

I still recall the book “88 Reasons Why the Rapture will Happen in 1988” as a kid going to a friends house. I can safely say every person that ever predicted the Rapture has been wrong.

I worry about it about as much as Trump declaring Martial Law and taking over.

Funny you should ask, someone I know just posted this doozy.


I worry about it about as much as Trump declaring Martial Law and taking over.

This is probably wrong.

  1. The Rapture:
    Does God (or whatever) even really want to do a rapture at all?
    Does anyone really want the rapture?
    Is a rapture even possible?
    If so, why now?

  2. Trump becoming dictator (my estimates):
    Trump would like to be a dictator- 80% certainty.
    Trump will continue to try to become dictator- 80% certainty.
    There is significant number of people who want Trump to be dictator - 80% certainty.
    Future success rate of Trump and his followers (on the dictatorship front)- 1% or so.

The chance of Trump becoming a dictator is MORE than zero.

The chance of a rapture on January 5th is functionally zero.

I don’t have many rabid Trump supporters in my circle of friends. My FIL has been all in on Trump, but since the election he’s been gracious. “Trump lost, and it’s time to move on.” He thinks the people sending money to Trump and the “Stop the Steal” protesters are pathetic. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of protests here though. It’s only what he sees on TV.

Eastern NM went 70% for Trump. Lots of Trump 2020 flags before the election. Most of them have come down. Maybe 10% of them are still up, and some of those are looking pretty tattered and torn. I’m sticking with my prediction that there won’t be any still flying in people’s front yards after Super Bowl Sunday. Some future version of American Pickers is going to wonder where all these flags came from that have been in stashed in grandpa’s barn for the past fifty years.

Not sure where I into fall into your category, I did vote for Trump so that makes me a supporter but that’s as far as I go.
I don’t have a circle of friends unless you include 4 legged creatures.
The way I see it game over time to move on and see what Team Donkey can do with the keys to the car, TBD .

The way I see it game over time to move on and see what Team Donkey can do with the keys to the car, TBD .

Keys to the car but not much control over the steering wheel or pedals if GOP keeps the senate.

So, not much.