House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.)

This guy really deserves his own thread.

He, and his wife, have a podcast that is hosted on the website of his wife’s company, Onward Christian Counseling Services, which promotes Bible-based pastoral counseling.

The bylaws of the company put being gay, bisexual or transgender in the same category as someone who has sex with animals or family members, calling all of these examples of “sexual immorality.”

“We believe and the Bible teaches that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God,

This guy really deserves his own thread.

He, and his wife, have a podcast that is hosted on the website of his wife’s company, Onward Christian Counseling Services, which promotes Bible-based pastoral counseling.

The bylaws of the company put being gay, bisexual or transgender in the same category as someone who has sex with animals or family members, calling all of these examples of “sexual immorality.”

“We believe and the Bible teaches that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God,

Good thing he supports trump then, as he shows up on the first item of the list.

He most certainly does. The by-law listing left off a significant deviant sexual behavior, masturbation.


I wonder how he feels about a man who has sex with pornstars while his wife is pregnant?

I wonder how he feels about a man who has sex with pornstars while his wife is pregnant?

Johnson says he was chosen by God

*“I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority.” *

Of course this does not apply to Joe Biden.

I wonder how he feels about a man who has sex with pornstars while his wife is pregnant?

…while his THIRD wife is pregnant with his 5th child.

I wonder how he feels about a man who has sex with pornstars while his wife is pregnant?

…while his THIRD wife is pregnant with his 5th child.

But yeah, the gays are ruining the sanctity of marriage.

He is a beauty. Done nothing and is second in line.

Speaker Johnson ‘looking at’ Hunter subpoena as House marches forward with Biden impeachment probe | Fox News

Looks like he is ready to get started.

Ready to get started… with the important business of legislating to improve the country?

And, of course, after the shooting gallery in Maine, he’s “so grateful” for the NRA …

As previously said, a face that begs punching.

As previously said, a face that begs punching.

SNL was on point that he looks like an MSNBC host.

He just told interviewers that the GOP is the law and order team, and that they don’t use these types of legal proceedings for political reasons like the Democrats.

Soooooo, Democrats might actually have preferred Mr McCarthy.

He just told interviewers that the GOP is the law and order team, and that they don’t use these types of legal proceedings for political reasons like the Democrats.

Soooooo, Democrats might actually have preferred Mr McCarthy.

I don’t see actual harm to our country with any Johnson led ultra social conservative House bills making it into law. To your point of politics and democrats in the house though, this Johnson and his beliefs, that are now spoken for all to hear and know of, becomes the poster boy for why we don’t want a republican led House . He makes campaigning by democrats in 2024 a whole lot easier and quite probably effective too. Not nearly as pugnacious as Gentleman Jym, nor as two faced as Kevin but he is Mommas boy junior Pence who runs to the right of Trump MAGA.

I don’t see actual harm to our country with any Johnson led ultra social conservative House bills making it into law.

You mean you don’t see the bills making it into law?

I’m not so sure. Of course the Senate/Biden wouldn’t pass/sign them standalone, but I’m sure the game plan is to do things like hold the Continuing Resolution hostage with them. Some level of compromise will be necessary, and the effects could be real.

I agree it may help campaigning, but in the interim real people are affected.

I don’t see actual harm to our country with any Johnson led ultra social conservative House bills making it into law.

You mean you don’t see the bills making it into law?

I’m not so sure. Of course the Senate/Biden wouldn’t pass/sign them standalone, but I’m sure the game plan is to do things like hold the Continuing Resolution hostage with them. Some level of compromise will be necessary, and the effects could be real.

I agree it may help campaigning, but in the interim real people are affected.

biden can veto so there is no way anything like a defense of mariage act will get passed. Having an extremist in charge of the house is good for the democrats in 2024. I think it was 18 seats went to R’s that Biden carried in 2020. Having dysfunctional congress lead by a nut case will help Democrats win the White House and win the House.

biden can veto so there is no way anything like a defense of mariage act will get passed.

No, but other lesser bits can be passed. They’re going to play hardball next month with the CR, and likely some right wing social conservative stuff makes it in. So there could be some real effects on real people.

Biden is a born compromiser. So are a few key Senators. They Democrats will have a hard time playing pure hardball.