House Speaker - did Dems cut off their nose in spite of their face?

Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan are front runners to fill the recently vacated position.

To complete this clown show, Trump is being suggested as a candidate.

None of those people will actually be worse than McCarthy.

If you disagree, tell me what actions they can take that will be worse.

It is remarkable how completely Trump destroys everything that he touches, in historic fashion, and yet these idiot Republicans, think he’s a path to victory still.

Also, nice how he did absolutely nothing to help McCarthy in this once again historic public humiliation.

I’m assuming McCarthy tried, albeit minimally, to work with the Dems at least compared to this list.

I don’t know the answer to this, but how active was McCarthy with the Biden impeachment? Wasn’t Jordan a prime player in that?

Jordan and Trump seem to be worse candidates than McCarthy.

I agree, it’s important to note, McCarthy got exactly what he deserved.

Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan are front runners to fill the recently vacated position.

To complete this clown show, Trump is being suggested as a candidate.

I can see Scalise reach across the aisle maybe 10% of the time. Gym Jordan is a 0% so yeah that makes him the frontrunner.

I agree, it’s important to note, McCarthy got exactly what he deserved.

I’m not suggesting he didn’t deserve it. I am suggesting we are trading down with the list of candidates proffered so far.

Maybe that’s the Dems end game? Show just had bad the Republican Party has fallen?

Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan are front runners to fill the recently vacated position.

To complete this clown show, Trump is being suggested as a candidate.

Is Rep Jordan really a “front runner?” I just watched a couple different GOP Congressmen desperately trying to dance around the question and avoid saying that they obviously wouldn’t support him. Rep Scalise is dealing with cancer, isn’t he? I can’t imagine that’s a good thing to be working through while trying to do the job of the Speaker, especially with this level of chaos.

I’m assuming McCarthy tried, albeit minimally, to work with the Dems at least compared to this list.

I don’t know the answer to this, but how active was McCarthy with the Biden impeachment? Wasn’t Jordan a prime player in that?

Jordan and Trump seem to be worse candidates than McCarthy.

There is no evidence to suggest McCarthy tried to negotiate with the Dems. He certainly didn’t float the idea of offering them any concessions for their support, much less spell out what those concessions might be.

If I’m wrong, please let me know.

Maybe they get Chip Roy. Bobert or MTG? Let’s take it up a notch.

Thats the thing, the MAGA faction of the GOP is running the house.

McCarthy wasnt willing to throw the democrats a bone - and wanted the dems to save him so he could enact the right wing’s agenda.

The republicans for years have used the Hastert Rule. I dont know why this will change.

Isn’t that why Gaetz had him run off? McCarthy had the audacity to try and reach out to the other party?

Isn’t that why Gaetz had him run off? McCarthy had the audacity to try and reach out to the other party?

Gaetz “worked” with the Dems to oust McCarthy for working with Dems to keep the government open.

And it is the Dems fault.

As I wrote on the other thread, it really does not matter who the Republicans put up as leader. They have repeatedly confirmed they are a non-serious political party that has zero interest in policy or actually governing. You could put a well trained monkey in charge and there would be little noticeable difference. You would still see the same howling and poo flinging.

Thats the thing, the MAGA faction of the GOP is running the house.

And this Gaetz grenade is just a stop on the Trump roadmap to return. Keep the chaos. He lays low, and then re-emerges with claims there was none of this nonsense when he was there. Followed by lots of BS talking points that fools lap up.

The vote was in part because he looked to the democrats for votes to keep the government open. However, the look for the help from the government came after McCarthy had gone back on his word about the budget.

The GOP had to look to the democrats for temporary help because they couldnt organize themselves to pass a budget. If McCarthy was looking to pass a budget along with what he already had agreed to, then I am sure more democrats would have helped - he only needed a handful.

We have seen stuff like this in the senate because of Manchin. No one is really talks about how GOP senators should help out the democrats.

I’m assuming McCarthy tried, albeit minimally, to work with the Dems at least compared to this list.

I don’t know the answer to this, but how active was McCarthy with the Biden impeachment? Wasn’t Jordan a prime player in that?

Jordan and Trump seem to be worse candidates than McCarthy.

That is an incorrect assumption though. You should actually look at his actions. Look at his actions of removing democrats from committees.

McCarthy unilaterally authorized the impeachment inquiry! That is being very active. There would not be one without him. This is actually something McCarthy could have just simply not done and distinguished himself from someone like Jordan.

The fact is that any new GOP speaker has the same caucus and the same slim majority.

This is a very good thread on at least some of the Dems’ thinking.

At the end of the day it seems to come down to the fact that no-one like or trusted McCarthy and he made zero case at all for a rescue. Unless you’re absolutely confident there’s a great play available it’s almost always better to sit things out than try to be clever. No-one seems to know what happens next but unless someone can explain what the Democrats should have done AND WHY, letting the GOP continue to eat itself was the default correct choice.

“A speakership founded upon Democrats’ trust that McCarthy will lie to his own guys and not to us is not rational, folks! It isn’t sustainable or reasonable and it’s no way to run the House. We needed him to give us any reason to help him and he very intentionally did not do so.”

The vote was in part because he looked to the democrats for votes to keep the government open. However, the look for the help from the government came after McCarthy had gone back on his word about the budget.

The GOP had to look to the democrats for temporary help because they couldnt organize themselves to pass a budget. If McCarthy was looking to pass a budget along with what he already had agreed to, then I am sure more democrats would have helped - he only needed a handful.

We have seen stuff like this in the senate because of Manchin. No one is really talks about how GOP senators should help out the democrats.

It is likely that McCarthy didn’t even want democrat’s votes for the CR passed last weekend. The CR was dropped in their laps and they were told to vote on the 200 page bill immediately and democrats begged for 90 minutes to review it. McCarthy refused and forced the vote to start as fast as he could. He likely hopes that democrats would vote against it, because they had no time and had no idea exactly what was in it. Then he could blame the shut down on democrats. But instead more democrats voted for it than Republicans and democrats became critical to getting it passed.