Honey Badger

don’t give a SHIV!

Orbea, if you would like to use that phrase it is available for purchase from your truly for the low low price of… well, how about a 6pack of something refreshing?

don’t give a SHIV!

Orbea, if you would like to use that phrase it is available for purchase from your truly for the low low price of… well, how about a 6pack of something refreshing?

Orbea SHIV?

Orbea, Honey Badger!

he don’t give a SHIV he doesn’t even care! Honey Badger is BAD ASS!

Please explain what a Honey Badger is…

Please explain what a Honey Badger is…

the honey badger takes

what it wants!

Please explain what a Honey Badger is…

Jump to #1

Please explain what a Honey Badger is…

the honey badger takes

what it wants!

And he don’t give a shit, honey badger!!

Check out the honey badger:


Ok, so a Honey Badger don’t care but is only in Africa? So the badger at IM Moo is just a regular badger?

No he is a honey badger!

Seems like that Honey Badger is unique to Africa and the IM Moo badger is the North American badger - not as fierce and he does give a shit about some things.

if your are looking for a job, the positions of product manager and athlete manager are probably open at Orbea as of this week

Honey badger swim’s to IMMoo and crushes the dreams of his North American cousins

I love the honey badger!

One of the best signs I saw at IM CDA this year was (at the bottom of one of the big hills), “Big hill? (insert photo of honey badger) don’t care”. It gave me a good laugh.

The other was a sign with some lines from a song…“it was a blacked out blur and i’m pretty sure that I liked it…” and some dude was laying on his back in the grass (a racer).
I got a good laugh out of that one too.

Just like the Nate dude from a few years ago - he crushes dreams!