Homemade burgers….Wacha got?

Grilling up tonight.

Big patties: 80/20 with all the seasonings and cheese inside ?


Smash burger on the griddle style with cheese on top?


Insert Option here

And Buns: brioche all the way ?


What seasonings do you use?

What seasonings do you use?

Soy sauce

What is the hamburger source?
I don’t eat as much red meat as I use to but when I do I use a local source.
The cows were raised (grass feed)and processed about 50 miles from my home.

80/20 ground chuck with only salt and pepper on the outside. I want to taste the beef.

Ripping hot frying pan or even better a ripping hot charcoal grill. Cook it fast and it won’t get dry even if it’s on the well done side.

Toppings can go two ways: mayo in bottom bun, then patty, cheddar, grilled onion, lettuce, tomato, Dijon on top bun.


Mayo on bottom bun, patty, swiss, avocado, deep fried shallot, BBQ sauce on top bun.

Serve with sour cream and cheddar ruffles.


Salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder, sear with mustard.

Grilling up tonight.

Big patties: 80/20 with all the seasonings and cheese inside ?


Smash burger on the griddle style with cheese on top?


Insert Option here

And Buns: brioche all the way ?


I love burgers. I love grilling… but I hate grilled burgers. Especially when they’re made by some doofus who thinks grilling burgers is about pressing a spatula into the burgers constantly and drying them out. At that point I’d rather have a black bean burger.

My vote is for smash burger seasoned with salt/pepper and on the griddle with 2 slices of american cheese, patties measured out with a scale for consistency. Lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, mayo, and mustard.

Grilling up tonight.

Big patties: 80/20 with all the seasonings and cheese inside ?


Smash burger on the griddle style with cheese on top?


Insert Option here

And Buns: brioche all the way ?


I love burgers. I love grilling… but I hate grilled burgers. Especially when they’re made by some doofus who thinks grilling burgers is about pressing a spatula into the burgers constantly and drying them out. At that point I’d rather have a black bean burger.

My vote is for smash burger seasoned with salt/pepper and on the griddle with 2 slices of american cheese, patties measured out with a scale for consistency. Lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, mayo, and mustard.

Fancy talk from a guy with your handle.

Kidding. Ok so talk to me then bc while I enjoy cooking I don’t necessarily consider myself great at it.

Your idea of a smash burger? Because earlier you said smaching it just releases the juices which I agree.

Measuring the bun with a scale seems like overkill.

What is the hamburger source?
I don’t eat as much red meat as I use to but when I do I use a local source.
The cows were raised (grass feed)and processed about 50 miles from my home.

Ground chuck 80/20. Didn’t specify to my wife (shes headed out to grab the provisions as we speak). But she usually gets some kind of organic or grass fed.

80/20 ground chuck with only salt and pepper on the outside. I want to taste the beef.

Ripping hot frying pan or even better a ripping hot charcoal grill. Cook it fast and it won’t get dry even if it’s on the well done side.

Toppings can go two ways: mayo in bottom bun, then patty, cheddar, grilled onion, lettuce, tomato, Dijon on top bun.


Mayo on bottom bun, patty, swiss, avocado, deep fried shallot, BBQ sauce on top bun.

Serve with sour cream and cheddar ruffles.

I like where youre going with the two different burgers here. Cowboy style (or something like that). Now I’m half-tempted to get onions rings to throw on there as well.

Youre also voting for seasoning just on the ouside. Noted.

Also good advice re cooking it fast. I probably wouldn’t have done that. Thanks


Salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder, sear with mustard.

Another vote for smash and seasoning on the outside. This is surprising to me because I always thought (and had always read) about making your own patties with all the goods mixed in for a more robust flavor etc. And thicker patties.

This is all stemming from a BBQ we went to a couple weeks ago. Buddy of mine smashes his thin on the griddle with S/P then a slice of cheese and toasted bun. It was delicious and I couldn’t wait for the seconds to come around. But still shocked.

Youre also voting for seasoning just on the ouside. Noted.

Some say that if you season the inside it can make the texture tougher. I haven’t done a side by side comparison, but have always had good results just doing the outside. I’ve never felt I wasn’t able to add enough seasoning.

Don’t overwork the beef. Grab a hand full and press flat.

Working in spices etc. makes meatloaf

I like where youre going with the two different burgers here. Cowboy style (or something like that). Now I’m half-tempted to get onions rings to throw on there as well.

Yeah salty shallots (or O rings) with sweat barbeque sauce and umami avocado is a nice combo.

What seasonings do you use?

Soy sauce

I’ll throw my seasoning mix in:

Chef Prudhomme meat magic
soy sauce
Fresh ground pepper
Italian Bread crumbs
red pepper flakes

Youre also voting for seasoning just on the ouside. Noted.

Some say that if you season the inside it can make the texture tougher. I haven’t done a side by side comparison, but have always had good results just doing the outside. I’ve never felt I wasn’t able to add enough seasoning.

Thats fair. And I’ll take it bc its less work.

Working in spices etc. makes meatloaf

I mean thats super obvious and not sure why I never realized it.

I like where youre going with the two different burgers here. Cowboy style (or something like that). Now I’m half-tempted to get onions rings to throw on there as well.

Yeah salty shallots (or O rings) with sweat barbeque sauce and umami avocado is a nice combo.

Youve convinced me to change it up. I was dead set on just a standard burger for tonight but now I’m craving this.

When I was younger the movie Small Soldiers came out and Burger King had the “Rodeo Burger” in honor of the movie. Onion rings, bacon and BBQ sauce if I remember correctly. Havent had it since but for some reason I’m all in right now. I’m also starving which probably isn’t helping.

Have seen breadcrumbs in recipes but haven’t tried it.