Holy shit did future madame president kamala harris just say that?

Let’s get this party started.


Sounds fair to have the opportunity to publish for the record the stupid stuff she has said that one might construe as disqualifying for the highest office of the land.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

we can’t have that, can we Jim?

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

she went to Howard and was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first African American sorority

i’m sure she can code switch at will, like we all do to greater and lesser degrees

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

The horror.

It’s like being forced to revisit the horror of the latte salute.

“Well Donald, I do hope you’ll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage because as the saying goes, if you got something to say, say it to my face”

Harris calls out Trump at Atlanta rally: ‘If you got something to say, say it to my face’ (thehill.com)

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

we can’t have that, can we Jim?

I’m sure if she was posting up with a couple of semi automatic rifles, then Jim would be good with it.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

Oh the horror! She should know her place and not get *uppity. *

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

Oh the horror! She should know her place and not get *uppity. *

I can never tell how posts like his are intended, as in literal vs mocking someone who would make that observation.

Regardless, I am eagerly awaiting the reemergence of Key & Peele on the political stage.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

Resident LR MAGAts and other bottom feeders will need to step up their game.


I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

Resident LR MAGAts and other bottom feeders will need to step up their game.


you forgot THUG.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

Resident LR MAGAts and other bottom feeders will need to step up their game.


you forgot THUG.

interesting that proponents of diversity equity and inclusion have decided to co-opt the term specific to one race only and place it in a negative connotation light.

Funny how that works.

Funny how that works.

def not mayor pete and white dudes for Harris approved.

Future Madame President Harris discussing Trump ™ brand abortion bans:



I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

we can’t have that, can we Jim?

I’m sure if she was posting up with a couple of semi automatic rifles, then Jim would be good with it.

Beyond being “good with it”, he’d probably need to seek medical attention after 4 hours.

I believe that she was using a “black” accent recently at an event with Meghan Thee Stallion doing some twerking.

This was not a very good kickoff to the thread.

Shirley someone has an actual word salad quote to use.

have you noticed how hard posters are working to try to gin up conversation about Kamala so they can be “excited” about “supporting” and “defending” her?

speaks volumes doesn’t it?

wake me up in Sept. when the faux enthusiasm is over and the 40% base who would vote for a moldy sandwich is still “all excited”.

Because by then the rest of the 50+% who know everything they need to know about her, and or will find out, will be settled in to vote.