Does anyone know of someone who has had a hip replacement and completed an Ironman? I’m thinking of getting my dad inspired (he’s 56) and the experience would change his life.
I don’t know of anyone who has done an IM after hip replacement. You should check with his ortho b/c he may not be able to run. I do however know of a kick ass cyclist who has had 2 hip replacements! HE was not able to run after( maybe b/c he has both done) the replacements. He kept up with his cycling after and does a lot of riding.
i don’t know anyone who has done an IM after hip replacement, but I do personally know someone who has done 2 IMs since hip resurfacing
sent you a PM, Australian’s have done this, breed em tough.
Austin79 has done IM since having her hip replaced. She is a rare breed however. Her story is incredible! Other than her, I don’t know of anyone else who has done an IM since having a total hip replacement.
I know someone who has had a hip replacement. He tells me running is a “no-no”. But I still think you can do an IM if you swim and bike and then just walk the run. It’s the pounding on the joint that shortens its life. If it were me, I wouldn’t run period, but your dad can certainly walk the run.
From another perspective, if he’s just looking for a “life changing experience”, there are other things he can do. It’s just a matter of finding out what it could be.
Running is a no-no. No good ortho will ever advise running on a hip replacement. It absolutely shortens the life of the joint and can lead to complications.
But, yes, I have done a marathon, 3 IMs (finished 2), and a half on mine… out of my own stupidity and stubbornness. My hip was replaced almost 8 years ago and I’ve never had any problems (although my non-replaced hip has given me plenty). I’ve been able to get away with 30-35 mpw of running only because 1) i had a top-notch doctor, 2) i’m extremely small, light, and young, and 3) i have a coach who was very aware of my issue and took that into consideration when planning my schedules.
All docs seem to agree that there’s no way a typical THR patient could get away with what I’ve done. I’m <95 lbs. And that has been my saving grace.
I think swimming and biking are totally fine for THR patients, and if your dad really wants to do an IM, walking the run would be an option. Or as polarbear suggests, there are plenty of ‘life changing’ experiences out there. Something else might be better suited for him…
I PM’d you a person that spoke at our club who I believe has had hip replacement. I think he has done Ultras and IM’s since, but not sure. He may have some insights for your dad.
Does your dad have any buddies that would do cycling with him? Do you have any connections with their kids? If so, maybe you could all team up and get the cycling group going as a family event, then let the elders have their own ride while the kids do theirs. Just a thought.
The MS150 (Houston-Austin) could be a good event, depending on where you live. Lots of people and massive event plus riding a bike when others can’t is pretty inspiring in itself. Other similar rides, but this one is on a massive scale. Sold out for '08 so may be a good goal to get in shape to go for '09.
As painful as it is to admit, my triathlon days appear to be behind me. Having been very active in the sport for about eight years, I was finally forced out by an arthritic hip. I received a total hip replacement about a year ago, and I’ve been testing it often. I can jog short distances, but the joint aches badly the next day. So all my energy now goes into road racing. Would I like to get back to triathlon? Of course! Why else would I be lurking around on SlowTwitch. I have adapted to the situation, and I would suggest you not subject your dad to the an activity that may make his situation worse. How about riding across the country together? Since distance triathlons probably contributed to the degradation of my hip, why push the issue?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. I practice emergency medicine almost exclusively now, but prior to this, I worked for one of the top joint replacement surgeons in the world. We would absolutely never condone or advise patients to run. Swimming is okay, as long as the patient is very aware of his hip position, and avoids big wild kicks, and biking is fine. Aquabike events would BE much more palatable for him. Any other questions, please ask.
Since being diagnosed with arthritis I have walked 2 Ironmans. One of those races I walked with another competitor who had his hip replaced. Ironman is possible with arthritis or a replaced hip … you just have to modify your time goals!
I ran with a mid-fifties guy with a fresh (7 months old) hip replacement this year at IMFL. He was giong pretty well and was as proud as hell of himself.
Yep, walking it would be acceptable. Impact loading activites, especially repetitive, such as running or jumping are just not good for either total hips or knees. You can do it, but you’re taking an awful risk doing so.
Does anyone know of someone who has had a hip replacement and completed an Ironman? I’m thinking of getting my dad inspired (he’s 56) and the experience would change his life.
Which type of replacement is he considering? If he's having the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing running might be a possibility. Cory Faulk ran a 5K race 6 days after his Birmingham surgery, ran a marathon 3 months later, and has done Ultraman Hawaii. I also have a friend who had the traditional surgery done about seven years ago and he's been running ever since. The docs won't recommend it but they don't recommend a lot of the things most of us on here do.
I also have had hip resurfacing, hip replacements and have done 3 ironman, and several marathons since. They work fantastically and I am continuing to train and hope to do an I.M. this year. I have a half scheduled as well as olympic distance. I also am planning on qualifying for Boston this year. I am 65 years old and of course have stories as others do. I had one of my hips fail after 4 years and had it repaired not replaced with a THR. I am a personal trainer and triathlon coach and live in Kona. Always anxious to help others.