Hip Labrum surgery

Hey guys and gals…it looks like my dad is going to need his hip resurfaced and a labrum tear repaired. Anyone have a recommendation for a surgeon in the S.F. Bay area???

Not sure if you/your Dad are willing to broaden your search a bit, but if you are I’d HIGHLY recommend Dr. Jason Snibbe at Beverly Hills Orthopedic Group down here in LA. I had my hip done by him last January (CAM impingement that needed resurfacing + repaired a torn labrum) and I personally know 3 fellow Slowtwitchers who also went to him last year and had great results. Heck, one STer liked it so much he had both hips done (OK maybe that wasn’t the reason…).

And based on personal experience, I wouldn’t immediately dismiss the idea of having the surgery in SoCal. I had mine done first thing in the morning in LA, then I was thrown in the back seat of a car and driven all the way to Phoenix where I did my recovery. It’s the perfect time to move your Dad - he’s still kinda out from the drugs and his leg is completely numb from the nerve block.

I also seem to remember a bunch of threads about this in the past, you may want to try a quick search and see if any names from NorCal pop up.

Shoot me a PM if you’d like any additional info on Snibbe or the surgery/recovery process, I’m happy to help.

Dr. Thomas Sampson. Best hip gy on west coast. Located in SF.

i can’t help you with west coast doctors (i live in nyc) but i have had 3 hip scopes and can help answer any questions about the surgery. are you sure your dad is getting a resurfacing? that’s a very different and more severe surgery than a vanilla scope.

I’m getting scoped for a torn labrum and cam-style impingement in a few weeks. What’s the level of pain/discomfort over the first 24 hours assuming that my appointment is first thing in the morning. Would flying (rougly 90 minute flight) the evening of the surgery be a terrible idea, or completely feasible?

i had no pain after my 3 surgeries to the point that i didn’t take a single painkiller after the 2nd and 3rd. however, i have friends who have had the same surgery and have been in a lot of pain post surgery. i think it varies from person to person. i think planning on flying the night of the surgery is a bit much – particularly if your surgery is delayed (none of mine started on time) and/or you are having pain. moreover, the first 24 hours are the most important 24 hours and you want to do everything possible to speed the healing up. i used a game ready ice machine around the clock and hung out on the couch. i can’t imagine that traveling to and from an airport and then sitting for 2 hours would be anything but bad (particularly when you won’t be icing properly for hours).

The game ready ice machine is on my list of DME. I’ll probably just have to suck it up and spend a couple of extra days in NYC, splayed out on the hotel bed. I don’t need any further aggravation. Thanks for the info.

you really only need to crank the game ready the first 24 hours. they tell you to do it for a week but after a couple of days it doesn’t really do much. you don’t get much swelling in a hip scope (particularly compared to a knee scope). who is doing your surgery? most of the surgeons at HSS have you ride a stationary bike with no resistance starting the day after surgery to get motion going.

I have no problem with the icing routine, aside from the logistics of traveling. If my wife wasn’t deathly afraid of driving in the city, I could plug the ice machine into the AC outlet in my car and ride home that afternoon. Bryan Kelly will be doing the surgery.

Traveling immediately after that would be a bad idea.
When I had mine, I had crazy pain afternoon and evening after.
If I could have pushed a button to reverse the surgery and make the pain go away I would have.
Improved rapidly after 1st day though.

I’m at the six month mark in my recovery form bi-lateral hip resurfacing and just starting to run again.


A resurfacing is like a hip replacement, but it’s much tougher and you can return to your athletic life once you recover. If your father needs resurfacing then he won’t have a labrum anymore on that hip. The best place to get information on hip resurfacing is: www.surfacehippy.com There are doctors lists with the number of resurfacings they have done and there is a forum where all your questions will be answered. That’s the place to ask about hip resurfacing doctors.

Good luck to you father. I haven’t felt this good in years.

Hi there.
My right hip was killing me and I had Birmingham Resurfacing. I gave up running afterward but am now running again and looking at my first marathon after the op. I found this eBook How to run with a hip replacement helped me rethink my running technique and I’ve recommended it to a couple of guys who found it useful too. One of them has just completed his first duathlon on a THR. Cheers!

Marc Safran is one of the top guys in the US for this type of work. http://ortho.stanford.edu/sports-medicine/marc-safran-profile.html

The downsides if you choose him aren’t necessarily of his fault but so many people want to go to see him to it takes a good 1-2 months to get an appointment. And when you do see him make sure you know what you want to ask because however he diagnoses it he’ll give you the shpeel and have you on your way if you don’t have any questions. Trying to get a hold of him after your appointment is tough and can take a good week to get to him on the phone.

I saw him and the diagnosis that no surgery was needed. Strength training, stretching, etc. and it has improved to be close to 90%.

He is one of the top guys and is always looking for, and doing his own. latest research studies on the topics so his methods are state of the art. Only downside is just his demand. So if you are interested to see him call on Monday to start trying to get an appointment.

Another bonus is that he’s a cyclist. He always likes chatting about that.