This week I have somewhere between a soreness and pain in my upper hip/lower back on the right side. It appeared this week during a short run. This week is a base week and I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary last week that I can think of. It is only present when running, not when standing, walking or biking. It was sore tonight for the second time this week. If it is still sore on my friday run I am going to see a Dr. Any ideas what might be wrong. I have stretched every day this week so far.
Being a chiropractor, I deal with this sort of thing all the time. It’s impossible to give a diagnosis over the net, but it sounds like you could be describing piriformis syndrome/sacro-iliac joint problem which is quite common with runners. I would have to diagnosis by looking at pelvic level, sacro-iliac mobility, leg lengths, ortho tests, etc.
I usually treat this with manipulation/mobilization of the sacro-iliac/lower lumbar spine with electro-therapy to the piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle is a muscle in the hip joint area. There are also a number of stretches that you can try.
What I suggest you do is take a few days off running and try these stretches. If you’re making no progress go see someone.
Sorry. It doesn’t look as that url is working. Try stretch #3 on this one.
Both web sites worked for me. BTW, I having been having the same twinges creaping up on me, so I also appreciate your information and references. IMHO, the demonstations are more “attractive” on the second web site!
“Cervelo-bones” knows of what he speaks. That little Piriformis muscle causes a myriad of problems from hip, low back, gluteus and even hamstring and calf problems. If you go to a doc, I suggest making sure it is someone who runs. There’s nothing more gratifying than waiting in a doctor’s office for an hour just to hear “Stop running. It’s hard on your body.”
You might just have a spasm. Here’s a little trick you can try. Lie on your back and put a tennis ball under your butt Your Piriformis muscle runs horizontally across your back pocket. Carefully roll around on the tennis ball, not just where you are experiencing the pain buy all around your glute area. If you find a small pea sized knot that really hurts, that is the culprit, and working it out is pretty easy. There is a whole section on lower back pain in “The Pain-Free Triathlete” that explains how to self treat this.
You can also post your question on their forum.