High Hematocrit - Please Help

Hi everyone,

I have looked up previous forums with this subject and they all come up (quite logically) on doping or anti-doping posts. But this is not one of those.

I have always had a naturally high hematocrit since childhood (close to 50%). I have been active in long distance triathlon and now more focused on running marathon distances.

I am 55 years old now and my latest analyses are showing an even higher hematocrit. To put in perspective, as I was running 70 mpw for a recent marathon, my hematocrit showed 52.5%. I have got new analyses after resting 4 weeks post race and they show 55.5%. This worries me more as I am getting older and this dense blood is a burden on the cardiac system and increasing blood pressure and clot formation. By the way, I live in Madrid (700 metres altitude) not in Nepal.

My hemaetologist wants to re-analyse in 1 month and start phlebotomies to shed some blood. Unfortunately, I cannot be a regular blood donor here in Spain as I lived in the UK in the 90´s during mad cow desease.

The analyses also show high Bilirrubin (1.52 mg/dl) which has been attributed to Gilbert´s syndrome as all the other enzymes (GOT, GP.T, etc, etc) are spot on. Also, low Vitamin D and in the latest test, high Iron and transferrin saturation (55%) that could point to hereditary hemochromatosis. As my ferritin levels are good (121 ng/ml) doctor does not think so…

I am reading that bilirrubin (when all the other thing are OK as in Gilbert´s syndrome) is deemed a potent antioxidant and anti-inflamatory agent protecting the heart. I hope it is.

Sorry to have bored you with so much data, but in case there is anyone with similar issues that has had an underlying cause diagnosed or any doctors that might recommend more checks, please let me know. I am happy with my current haematologist (and the recommendation for phlebotomy) but I though I would cover more bases.


I can’t help you much, so I’ll at least provide some anecdote-style content.

I’m barely scratching the surface of reaching 50% at the end of a 70.3 build phase, but the doctor has already communicated that if I went much above that, I’d need to release blood. This is a pretty common practise and way better than taking any medicine, I was told.

3 pieces of perspective:

If you moved to IM training (with loads of Z2 training), or have been doing many races, your hematocrit would go down automatically (I tested myself last year before and after IM, with the same drinking, weight & toilet routine, and I lost >3 p.p. in 3 days simply due to that IM effort).Do you snore at night? Same as high altitude, snoring makes your red blood cells go up ;-)Remember to drink regularly during long car rides or flights.