Hey y'all (newbie here)

Just wanted to post a short introduction. I looked but didn’t see a new member section. If I missed it, please forgive me and point me in the right direction.

New to the forum but not new to triathlon. I’ve done about a dozen so far and preparing for my first 70.3 coming up this very Sunday in Palm Springs.

I’m also older, on the wrong side of 50. Don’t think I would say I was ever in really bad shape, but I have to admit I let myself go after my time in the service. And now, at 53, I’m probably as fit as any time since my 20s. My biggest downfall is my diet. I do love the sweets.

I would say my strongest event is the swim, followed by the bike. Worst is the run. In the swim and bike, I’m probably a middle-of-the-pack competitor. But I lose so much on the runs. Being older with arthritis makes it difficult to maintain a competitive pace anymore.

I’ve done triathlons from Florida to California and planning one in Key Biscayne in March so that I can say I have literally done triathlons from “coast to coast”. But as you might deduce from my screen name, most of mine have been in Las Vegas so far. While I no longer live in Las Vegas, I did for over 20 years and I still live in southern Nevada.

I look forward to chatting with people here, picking up some tips/tricks, and maybe even helping out if I can.

Welcome. There’s loads of people around here “on the wrong side of 50”. Mostly we don’t like our fellow triathletes for reasons I have not figured out yet, but there’s plenty to learn from all the seasoned and smart people who post here.

Welcome. Indian Wells in a great race. The course is fun and the weather should be super nice this weekend. The cold water swim catches people off guard, but IMO it’s not that bad. I honestly think the fear of the cold water makes it worse then it actually is. Good luck this weekend.

I’ve been wondering about that. I’ve been swimming a lot in Lake Mead the last couple months. Water temp was surprisingly warm this summer but it cooled off quite a bit since October. When I did Pumpkinman last month, the water temperature at the start was warmer than the air temperature. Water temp has dropped noticeably since then. The last two times I swam, I didn’t even use my wetsuit specifically to get used to swimming in colder water. I didn’t take a temp, but would guess the temp was somewhere around 60-65* at the time. Certainly “refreshing” when I first got in, but after the first 20-30m, it got tolerable.

Welcome! I am 50. Good luck at your race!