"Hey, NIKE! Your _____ is showing!"

Complete lack of awareness?




“wait my hoo haa is gonna be out,” long jumper Tara Davis-Woodhall wrote in a comment.

Hurdler Britton Wilson, another Olympic hopeful, asked about a different aspect of the kits: the font. The font, she said, appeared similar to much-derided Comic Sans.

Queen Harrison Claye, a former Olympic hurdler and sprinter, jokingly (and pointedly) suggested a potential partnership for women’s Olympic athletes wearing the uniform.

“Hi @europeanwax would you like to sponsor Team USA for the upcoming Olympic Games!? Please and thanks,” Claye wrote in a comment.

Not the best look (literally!!!), especially with Kara doing another round of press for the paperback edition of her book and refreshing anti-NIKE sentiments

Took me way too long to see what was “wrong” with the picture.

I’m a Nike-hater, so enjoying it…but…some chance it’s just a really bad mannequin modeling session. Pole Vaulter Katie Moon replied modelling the same design with a couple selfies, and felt it was fine. (I refuse to link to X, but it’s not hard to find).


I’m a Nike-hater, so enjoying it…but…some chance it’s just a really bad mannequin modeling session. Pole Vaulter Katie Moon replied modelling the same design with a couple selfies, and felt it was fine. (I refuse to link to X, but it’s not hard to find).

For clarity, she was wearing the same bottom that has been worn by female track athletes for years, not the super-high front cut that the Olympic uniform has. She did express her concern regarding that cut. She also mentioned that the athletes have several styles to choose from, and can pick a style that is most comfortable for them.


Yeah I’ve been seeing some athletes giving weak defenses of the obvious problem kit by saying that they have plenty of other options. That doesn’t excuse the problem kit imo. Weird line to draw & weird play on buzzwords (with ideological leanings) like “freedom” & “choice.” Having the freedom to not choose the sexist kit doesn’t mean that kit isn’t a problem.

Yeah I’ve been seeing some athletes giving weak defenses of the obvious problem kit by saying that they have plenty of other options. That doesn’t excuse the problem kit imo. Weird line to draw & weird play on buzzwords (with ideological leanings) like “freedom” & “choice.” Having the freedom to not choose the sexist kit doesn’t mean that kit isn’t a problem.

Is there a line that can be drawn where a kit goes from okay to ‘sexist’? Were the old brief-cut kits from last year sexist?

Furthermore, if the ‘bunhugger’ style wasn’t provided as an option and the only women’s options were split shorts or half tights, would that also be sexist? Only prudish sharia-law kits seems kinda sexist too.

It’s pretty simple. If an athlete thinks the kit is a problem then she won’t wear it. If the kit is actually a problem then none of the athletes will wear it. The dirty truth is that sex sells and Nike knows this. Look at the disparity between men/women followers below and take a simple guess at why Sisson has the most followers. Nike knew exactly what they were doing and these criticisms are exactly the engagement they wanted. Something tells me when the kits actually come out there will be no shortage of athletes proudly modeling them for the 'gram.

Okeeffe 34k, Sisson 150k, Lindwurm 33k
Mantz 29k, Young 17k, Korir 5k.

Complete lack of awareness?


The instagram comments are truly priceless.


Not sure if that was a parody, but did nike or sport governing bodies really send hairspray and make up kits to athletes ??? If yes, that’s simply unbelievable.

Total parody. Her videos are quite funny.

So she is just making up the hairspray and make-up kit part?

Yes :slight_smile:

Who picked comic sans for the USA font??!

Who picked comic sans for the USA font??!

Yeah, it’s a distant second criticism to the obvious, but the livery isn’t…good. Bad font. Women’s girl-color-pinstriping colorway kind of bland and washed out. Men’s a little more interesting…but red paint spatter effect…hmm. Is it too late for a complete do-over?

Just give them what the swimmers and water polo players wear. Or beach volleyball.

I don’t remember “wardrobe malfunctions”, except Nathan Adrian.

Just give them what the swimmers and water polo players wear. Or beach volleyball.

Dropping Nike for Tyr/TURBO respectively would turn Nike’s ample legal dept. into a frenzied shark tank…so sounds like a good idea to me.

I don’t think “sexist” is the word anyone here is looking for. I seriously doubt Nike believes women are inferior to men. Rather, I think the word you are looking for is either objectifying or sexualizing.

Either of which still goes back to NIKE not giving a shit about female athletes as people, but as commodities

“So & so wants to have a baby? That will negatively affect her future performance. Just take her off the payroll and insert someone younger; preferably NOT in a relationship at the moment”

Ellie St. Pierre was able to take a year off and have her son before she came back to set the track on fire; I’m not saying it was ALL because she’s on New Balance, but …

Either of which still goes back to NIKE not giving a shit about female athletes as people, but as commodities

“So & so wants to have a baby? That will negatively affect her future performance. Just take her off the payroll and insert someone younger; preferably NOT in a relationship at the moment”

Ellie St. Pierre was able to take a year off and have her son before she came back to set the track on fire; I’m not saying it was ALL because she’s on New Balance, but …Truth. Nike is garbage.

I must admit, it made me wonder ‘What’s Maggie Vessey been up to these days?’
