Hey lets talk about chocolate exports

So I stumbled into something, and was very surprised, I had not heard it before. After checking a few sources, concluded its true. It then made me wonder, what else is going on in the world that kind of looks bad to both sides base, so they just don’t talk about it.

I learned the US is now the #1 exporter of Petroleum. Passing the Saudi’s in 2020.

So what else is out there, thats interesting but not talked about.

So what else is out there, thats interesting but not talked about.

The FBI (and other US law enforcement agencies) spent a lot of time, effort, and money ignoring the constitution and breaking US laws, as well as killing, assaulting, and terrorizing innocent americans: COINTELPRO, et al.

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

So I stumbled into something, and was very surprised, I had not heard it before. After checking a few sources, concluded its true. It then made me wonder, what else is going on in the world that kind of looks bad to both sides base, so they just don’t talk about it.

I learned the US is now the #1 exporter of Petroleum. Passing the Saudi’s in 2020.

So what else is out there, thats interesting but not talked about.

Why is that a) surprising b) bad for both sides or any side for that matter c) read the first footnote and ponder it

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

Hmmm why would we import product and then export product (ignoring the Jones Act)

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

Hmmm why would we import product and then export product (ignoring the Jones Act)

Crude oils are not all the same.

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

Hmmm why would we import product and then export product (ignoring the Jones Act)

Crude oils are not all the same.

Some are sour and some are sweet… and someplace with a large amount of sour cracking refineries are located between large sour producers Venezuela, Mexico and Canuckistan

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

Hmmm why would we import product and then export product (ignoring the Jones Act)

Crude oils are not all the same.

Some are sour and some are sweet… and someplace with a large amount of sour cracking refineries are located between large sour producers Venezuela, Mexico and Canuckistan

Once again, windy blows in and blows his high and mighty, and blows out…

No clue, what value any of your posts on this thread added.

The footnote, provided me no new information or changed any stated facts. Yes as an engineer I am aware of the differences in Petroleum and crude oil. Which is why I said Petroleum and not crude oil.

So no clue what you want me to ponder. Does anything I am to ponder, going to change the stated fact that since 2020 we have moved into 1st in exports of petroleum?

If I remember well, and maybe I am wrong as it has been long time since I stepped on a tanker, you need to mix sweet with crude to make crude more liquid and transportable.

Canada’s whorendous (not incorrect spelling) record with regards to asbestos.

Why would the Republican base feel it is a negative for America to be a really big oil producer?

Canada’s whorendous (not incorrect spelling) record with regards to asbestos.

Yes that isn’t good. How much of that is Quebec and how much Canada in general?

We really suck at military procurement. Pretty well every province regardless of leadership has big healthcare issues.

I think we are also the highest petroleum importer in the world

Actually China is the largest, they import about double what the US does. India might be #2 if the grey market is counted.

Some of what we import is because we have the refineries that can process the heavy, sour crude that places like Mexico and Venezuela extract.

Why would the Republican base feel it is a negative for America to be a really big oil producer?

Because then they can continue the “Drill Baby Drill” mantra and act like the Dems just want to shut down all oil production.

Why would the Republican base feel it is a negative for America to be a really big oil producer?

Because they want to promote the lie that Joe Biden killed the oil industry in America.

Why would the Republican base feel it is a negative for America to be a really big oil producer?

they wouldn’t and they don’t. They believe America should be a really big “oil producer”. and a really big oil importer. And refiner. And exporter. They believe that America is at it’s best when it is leading the world in any number of areas including our ability to “really big” in all the above in a more clean and efficient way than others. In other words, they believe America is superior to all others at being able to do all these things.

they believe that being energy independent (and a provider of energy sources to “allies”) make America stronger around the world and provides a basis for promoting peace through strength toward any number of bad actors around the world who use oil (and other forms of energy) as the basis to enrich themselves and then act badly.

they believe the things the OP just “learned” and is surprised about are not surprising at all. And that they are true even in spite of forces working against them being true. They would prefer these things be even more “true” and encourage them to be even more “true” because they know they can be and it will be better for us and our allies.

why do you think other posters are answering your question in a different way rather than answering the OP’s question of why “both sides” don’t want to talk about this? Why do you think they immediately go to bashing “the Republican base” rather than promoting the positive view of “their own side”?

They bash the Republican base because of the massive amount of misinformation coming from that base. Due to that misinformation, many of my Republican friends firmly believe oil production has been cut in the US since Biden took office when it’s actually increased.

OP’s question of why “both sides” don’t want to talk about this?

I was a bit confused by the OP. There’s been broad coverage of U.S. oil production in the media and on this forum. I can’t really get a sense that it’s something people don’t want to talk about or is somehow undercovered.

They bash the Republican base because of the massive amount of misinformation coming from that base. Due to that misinformation, many of my Republican friends firmly believe oil production has been cut in the US since Biden took office when it’s actually increased.

ahhh the “misinformation” answer. Thanks.

yeah that “misinformation” (from members of the Republican “base” to other “Republican friends”) is so one sided that rather than promote their own side of this subject they need to combat the other sides “misinformation”. That’s always a winning position.

OP’s question of why “both sides” don’t want to talk about this?

I was a bit confused by the OP. There’s been broad coverage of U.S. oil production in the media and on this forum. I can’t really get a sense that it’s something people don’t want to talk about or is somehow undercovered.

not sure why the OP was “surprised” and that this was new information for him. I’m glad he came across what he did and is becoming more informed about the US and its capabilities. Hopefully I was able to give him a viewpoint of “one side” of this, although I’d like to believe what I had to say has appeal on “both sides”.