Help with bikefit, old Zipp 2001


my name is Torsten and I am living in Germany. Back in October 2009 I bought an old Zipp 2001 bike on short notice. Therefore it was not possible, to make shure I could be fitted on this bike. Right now I finished a minor „makeover“ and need some input concerning bikefit:

Frontend: Stem 9cm (already very short), Vision Basebar, Syntace C2 large, Saddle: ISM Adamo

1.) I am sliding forward and use my arms to push me back on the saddle. This is energy consuming, when riding longer I look like a typewriter, sliding forward for 1 or 2 seconds and then pushing back again.
2.) After one or two hours usually my neck hurts while looking on the road before me, If looking down the discomfort stopps. (I hope this is normal and will get better with training).



Thank you very much for your time,


Anyone? Opinions? Pure guess?

THis is firmly in the ‘pure guess’ category as I claim no fit expertise whatsoever - consider it a free bump if nothing else.

IMO the bike looks a tad big for you but not disastrously so. Instead of going with an even shorter stem could you try shorter extensions and even raising them up a few degrees? A shorter length may stop you looking so stretched out and a slight lift may enable you to get an easier “brace” to stop yourself sliding forward.

I love the Adamo but do find the angle a fine balanceing act - too steep and I slide forward when I don’t want to but if I go too flat the nose digs in and I can’t scootch forward when I want to push hard on a flat.

P.S. Love the “typewriter” comment - very descriptive!

THis is firmly in the ‘pure guess’ category as I claim no fit expertise whatsoever - consider it a free bump if nothing else.

IMO the bike looks a tad big for you but not disastrously so. Instead of going with an even shorter stem could you try shorter extensions and even raising them up a few degrees? A shorter length may stop you looking so stretched out and a slight lift may enable you to get an easier “brace” to stop yourself sliding forward.

I love the Adamo but do find the angle a fine balanceing act - too steep and I slide forward when I don’t want to but if I go too flat the nose digs in and I can’t scootch forward when I want to push hard on a flat.

P.S. Love the “typewriter” comment - very descriptive!

Thanks for answering !!! I will try to change the angle of the saddle first, as the syntace is not length adjustable. Right now the rails of the saddle are adjusted totally level. I never tried another configuration, as I was very happy to ride without numbness. As my problems were more in the shoulders, I was thinking more about the front end of the bike (different angles of the forearms did not solve my problem), so thanks for the saddle-suggestion.
