Help Understanding Bike Fit Numbers

I would like to ask for some help in trying to better understand the numbers I received from a recent bike fit. I got the bike fit to try and help me determine what tri bike would be a good fit for me. I am looking in the used market and have not been able to really tell from these numbers what bikes might be a good fit. The numbers in the fit don’t seem to correlate to the specs (e.g. stack and reach) for the bikes I have looked at. I have also found that the terminology used can be different from the various manufacturers. I attached the printout from the bike fit for reference. I have about a $5K budget for a bike and would be most grateful for any help in recommendations for a used tri bike. I would like to find a bike with the electronic shifting as I really like this feature.
Thank you!
Tony P.

TonyP Bike Fit_0001.jpg

  1. if you’re considering a trek (the image on your fit sheet) consider also posting in the speed concept owners thread.

  2. i question your fit coordinates. 690mm is high. are you at least 6’3"? 340mm to pad rear is short. it’s no wonder that you can’t find a bike. the only way i can explain that cockpit is if you’re sitting waaaay back, and yoru pads are waaaay high. is that the way you want to ride?

Thank you very much for the help with the numbers Dan. They didn’t make much sense to me either. I am 5’9 in stature. My legs are a bit longer than my torso but not in an unusual amount. I may need to try a more experienced fitter to get more accurate numbers. My goal is to be as aero, efficient and comfortable as possible in 70.3 and 140.6 distance tri’s.

Thanks for the tip on the Trek thread. :slight_smile: