Help, my crotch is on fire!

Just did a 20 mile TT yesteday, and the familiar pain/problem of sore crotch was back.

I train on the bike at least one time a week, ususally for about 25-35 miles and I don’t have a problem. I’m a roadie, so this is a dedicated TT bike. Position is about 75 degrees of seat angle.

It’s only when I do a race and I’m in the aero position nonstop for 20-25 miles that I have issues. It kicks in about 10-12 miles and by 18 miles I’m concentrating more on moving around to relieve the pressure rather than going fast. I have a San Marco Era saddle, and use a lot of cream before a race. My position is conservative (for a tt only position, for tri it’s pretty aggressive).

My thoughts are to try a Mr Flitie (sp) or to get the Azoto. Any tips I can try before I spend money? I also thought that maybe I’m too stretched out, since I really “choke up” on the bars and try to slide back when I am TT’ing. Although this may because I ride the majority of my miles on my standard road bike.



I have had this same problem in the past and here is how I solved the problem. The pain is a sign of bad form on the bike seat. You are not rotating your hips around enough and not sitting far enough back on the seat. You have to sit on the back half of the seat and not the front half. You might have to move the seat closer toward the handle bars a little. The other part of the problem is rolling your hips over more to spread the pressure out over the whole area. This will put most of the pressure on your bones.

After you do those things go buy a QR race pad. That will add the final bit of comfort. Hope this helps!

I am all about saving money but… the mr. flitie is only about 20 - 30 dollars… and if you don’t like it you can very easily sell it on ebay for 80 - 90 dollars.

I would definately start there… I would also check the levelness of your saddle… you can get a lot of pressure build up with the saddle nose pointing up.

I also find that the tighter my lower back/hip area is, the more I put pressure on the nose, instead of pressuring the entire saddle… mainly because of the tightness keeps me from getting the right position…

You should have posted this under the Tri Pickup Lines thread.

I think the triathlete pickup lines is a different thread… :wink:



I just don’t think you are sitting properly. I have ridden a regular old Flite for years in aero position w/ no problems. Back in the late 80s Tinley showed me to scew the saddle .5cm to the side away from your hang. This puts your “stuff” on the side and you ride more on the muscle. Also rotate your hips forward, and yes you may be over stretched. Note, this is about the same as John Cobb suggests on his web site “how to sit on a bike seat.” I have nothing against the pads and different saddles, but I think the main problems are these little positioning type tricks.

Good Luck!!