Help finding IM CdA good Samaritan who coached my friend to the finish at midnight

I have a friend looking for the person who helped her to the finish line. She is Cathy Stephens Bib 616. She would love to find this person. Any leads? Here is how she describes him:

"There was a guy who literally coached me in from the final turn onto 8th street to the finisher’s chute and then he disappeared. I have put out a request for any info and nobody has replied. The guy was wearing a finisher’s medal, dark warm up pants, a white shirt, and had to have been a coach of some kind because he moved over to my right side and said, “I’m staying with you the entire way. I want you to just listen to me, nobody else.” By then I had what I call my “Turtle Posse” made up of several friends from various parts of my life running along with me. He had a watch that he was looking at and he knew whether or not my current pace was going to get me there on time. He made me jog…it hurt so bad and I was having stomach issues the last 8 miles which ate up any cushion I had. He kept saying, “come on, sweetheart…this is what you’ve trained for all this time. You can do this. I need you to go faster. You’re not going to make it if you go this pace. Come on now…good job. Yes…okay, a little faster or you won’t make it in time. There it is. Do you see that? It’s the finish and they’re all waiting for you! Go! Get it! Come on, honey…you’re not going to make it!” "

Feel free to post any ideas or send me a PM or email.


What a cool story, I hope she finds him. Most days I need a dude like that to coach me through my life!

I have got one. She is like: “good job at work to day honey, the dishes need to be done. You are a great dad. . . please change that poopy diaper. Almost there! Right after the house is clean we can sit down to some beer. You have been working toward the beer all day. This is what it is all about. Once the grass is cut, that is it. I know you can dig deep. Soon that beer is there.”



exactly my life too…except I don’t have grass.

Have you read “Return to Carthage”? You may never find him…

So she recevied outside pacing assistance???

I like stories like that.

Actually you all are going to love her story. She is writing it up and I will publish it on my blog when it is ready. I met her on the course and have gotten to know her and her back story since last weekend. A pretty amazing racer. Whomever helped her that night is pretty neat and I would love for them to connect.

Thanks for any help that ST can provide.


Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Actually you all are going to love her story. She is writing it up and I will publish it on my blog when it is ready. I met her on the course and have gotten to know her and her back story since last weekend. A pretty amazing racer. Whomever helped her that night is pretty neat and I would love for them to connect.

Thanks for any help that ST can provide.


I don’t know who helped her in, but I was at the finish line when she crossed. If she is interested, I shot video of her coming through the chute and what happened after with Mike presenting the medal(s). It was a very cool moment and I was glad to have gone back and watched the last finishers. Congratulations to Cathy - sounds like she won the battle!

This is on youtube - It has pretty clear shots of the person you are looking for. Check out about 5:10 or so

Thanks. I have seen that video. That is me. I am looking for someone else who helped her get to the line. I just gave her a hug and a piece of metal. I am looking for the person who gave her encouragement on the course where it was really needed. There was a finisher out there jogging her in. I would love to have the loop closed with that person/angel.

But thanks for the video. I left after I jumped back over the fence. I am so happy she had a victory lap. I never got to see that and it made me cry. I am so happy the video is there so I could enjoy it.


Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.

Not everyone who does Ironman are on Slowtwitch.

I know. But I hope you can help.

Are you the guy who runs in full turnouts?


No, I have a hard enough time running in a trisuit. But, he is on our team and a great guy/ambassador of our sport.

Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Are you kidding me? You want someone to “out” themselves on Slowtwitch. Your friend’s finish would mean more to me if she followed the rules.

Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Are you kidding me? You want someone to “out” themselves on Slowtwitch. Your friend’s finish would mean more to me if she followed the rules.

Oh shut up, I doubt she gives a crap what her finish means to you.

Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Have you posted on BT (beginner triathlete)?

Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Are you kidding me? You want someone to “out” themselves on Slowtwitch. Your friend’s finish would mean more to me if she followed the rules.

Angry that no one cares about your slow finishes?


Are you kidding me? You want someone to “out” themselves on Slowtwitch. Your friend’s finish would mean more to me if she followed the rules.

Well. . . that is actually what I am doing. I am an official from the WTC/USAT joint task force. We are a bit of a cloak and dagger operation and generally referred to as the TICD (Triathlon Internet Crime Division). I am responsible for scouring through thousands of race reports and forum posts to conduct investigations regarding rules violations. You would not believe how many people we are able to disqualify after the fact of the race. Generally, most of the evidence comes from threads declaring that there was drafting the course. There are usually pictures involved. So I can look up race numbers and disqualify them. There is the rare instance that I can catch someone using fins, or better yet, a snorkle (which is not against the rules, but I plan on disqualifying him for something else because who is silly enough to use a snorkle right?) But the real white wale to our highly skilled investigators is to be able to catch those who think they can stay on the course at night and get outside assistance in the secret of darkness. I am totally offended by an athlete going through such deceit to be able to use a pacer during the final mile at hour 16:50. I mean, what if the Kona slot rolled to them, and they were to go to Hawaii and we all know they cheated to get there. It is my goal to make sure that never happens. So I am here trying to snake out the real cheaters and get them pulled from the results. After I get done writing this post, I am going to you tube to track down some cowbell ringers. Those nuisance devices obviously violate decibel laws and people using them need to be in jail.

Bump for a good cause. Come on folks. I know it was one of you.


Are you kidding me? You want someone to “out” themselves on Slowtwitch. Your friend’s finish would mean more to me if she followed the rules.

And there you have it, I knew it was only a matter of time until someone on here fulfilled the “minimum of one douchbag post per thread” rule of the boards. Well done sir.