Help finding an old post about Glucose + Fructose vs. Sucrose

“I want to experiment with using an alternative to gels on the bike because of the ease of use with the setup I have. I want to use a 750ml bottle. I remember someone writing that table sugar is just as good as a glucose + fructose combination, but I cannot find the post. My plan is to use sucrose with one serving of High5 energy drink for flavor, mixed to fit the distance.”

“I want to experiment with using an alternative to gels on the bike because of the ease of use with the setup I have. I want to use a 750ml bottle. I remember someone writing that table sugar is just as good as a glucose + fructose combination, but I cannot find the post. My plan is to use sucrose with one serving of High5 energy drink for flavor, mixed to fit the distance.”

Search Dr Alex Harrison on here or on the web. It’s all you need to know about this topic. It’s amazing.

maybe post 10?
*(from Dr. Alex H)

Thank you, that was exactly the thread i was looking for.

If you also value your dental health then using glucose and fructose separately is better than sucrose… Streptococcus mutans (one of the main players in dental caries) uses sucrose to form a polysaccharide that allows it to initially attach to teeth/gums (to avoid being washed away by saliva/liquids, tongue movement etc). They do of course also utilise glucose and fructose but the end product of that is lactic acid (not healthy for teeth either of course) not the polysaccharide/biofilm that allows more effective oral colonisation…