Help cleaning up our lists (fitters, shops, etc.)? (2)

Slowman posted this on the Main Forum, I thought I’d post here as well, since we’re looking for everyone’s valuable input. Can you please take a few minutes and update your listing?

asking for a little help here. we have “lists” here on slowtwitch that we maintain, that help you, or are intended to help you, figure out what races, bike fitters, bike shops, clubs, run stores you might want to patronize. but a list is only as good as… the list. so, mostly, i want to make sure that the list is up-to-date, that is, that our lists do not have entries that are no longer there, out of business, not current. if you can give me a hand it would be appreciated. and i’m just talking about those in your area. here are our databases:

local bike fitters
local run shops
local bike shops
local tri clubs
race calendar

as to the race calendar, we’ve already asked you about this, and we’ve contacted every RD of every race you all listed as races you want to do that aren’t on our calendar. we can’t force the RD to put the race on our calendar, or help us put his race on our calendar. some people just refuse to be helped. still, if there’s a race you’re doing that’s not listed, we’d love to know about it.

as to the other lists, mostly i’m looking for clubs, stores, etc., who are OUT of business, so we can REMOVE them from the dbase. what i am NOT looking for is whether an entry on our dbase is doing well or poorly at his job. that is a comment you make on the company’s entry itself (we let you both RATE the business and we let you comment on the business).

we have a set of drill-down menus on the left of each database home page. the are regions, you hit the (+) sign, the region expands into states. that’s as low as we drill. we’re working on a giant google map so that we can stick all these dbase entries on one map (and you can zoom in and see all the tri-related assets in your area on one map. but we don’t have that for now.

thanks in advance for your help.
Dan Empfield
aka Slowman