Hell hath frozen over… Oasis going on tour in 2025

Initially the gigs will be in the UK and Ireland and expand later. Assuming it doesn’t implode within a week or two. 😀🤷🏼‍♂️

I will probably try to catch one of the early gigs in UK or Ireland.

Initially the gigs will be in the UK and Ireland and expand later. Assuming it doesn’t implode within a week or two. 😀🤷🏼‍♂️

I will probably try to catch one of the early gigs in UK or Ireland.

Well it is being reported that it could gross 400 million pounds so that will likely help.

Oh this is flashing me back to living in Dublin in the 90s. Such great times! I might need to fly over for this!

I saw them at Knebworth Park in the UK in 1996. Great concert! I think I’ll wait to see if the tour survives and extends to the US. I guess they need some cash if they’ve finally buried the hatchet.

I’ve seen the in concert twice. Once with the Black Crowe’s (aptly named Tour of Brotherly Love) and then a bit later at the Hollywood Bowl. Both were great concerts. What I remember about the Bowl concert and that Noel and Liam didn’t interact and seemed to completely ignore each other. Great concert still.

My daughter (20) just messaged me from London asking if I would go with her to the concert. My reply was, “when and where?” Of course, she had no idea, but just wanted to confirm I would go whenever it was announced near us.

While I’m sure I know some Oasis songs, I can’t name any off the top of my head. I am looking forward to seeing the show anyway! :laughing:

I have an alarm set to try to nab tickets to the Sunday show in London. Unashamedly excited.

Update: I have been in the waiting room and queue for going on almost 3 hours now. I still have 47K other wankers in front of me for one of the London shows.


My brother had preorder privileges for yesterday. He was 15,000th in the queue for that. He gave up.

I’m now at 7700 and moving pretty quickly.

I will admittedly order VIP if I have to. But I’m not paying more than 250 GBP a seat.

HOLY SHIT got floor tickets.