Heck of way to start the morning

Going into work this morning saw an old, presumably homeless guy, get hit by a car. Crossing a 5 lane wide road in the dark, I would presume moving pretty slowly since he had a rolling walker.

Police and EMTs were there when I left the scene. He was breathing and conscious but in rough shape.

Gets the adrenaline going.

I’ve never seen that. Worst memory like that I have is a dog getting hit by a car. It let out the worst sound I have ever heard. I will never unhear that sound.

Dog lived though. Spent the rest of his life with three legs.

This happened on my street growing up.

I saw a runner get hit once but at really low speed. Runner and car coming up to intersection both hesitating and then both deciding to go at the same time. Knocked the runner straight up into the air and the car was going so slow when it slammed on its brakes the runner landed in front of it but didn’t get run over. Still looked like he had broken his lower leg.

This I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, shit just went flying everywhere. Then when I got up to it, I was like oh shit that’s a person laying there. So I drove past and pulled over. I was first person to him and just tried to get him to hold still and stop moving.

Glad he was conscious and breathing, and didn’t stop.

Three of us were training on a loop through a neighborhood. One time through, I was gapped by the first guy when we came to an intersection. Car blew through her stop sign (we didn’t have a stop sign) and hit the lead rider about 20yds in front of me. Left a sweaty leg print on the bumper, destroyed his bike, broke his leg. Had I been on his wheel, I likely would have hit the car broadside at ~30mph.

Going into work this morning saw an old, presumably homeless guy, get hit by a car. Crossing a 5 lane wide road in the dark, I would presume moving pretty slowly since he had a rolling walker.

Police and EMTs were there when I left the scene. He was breathing and conscious but in rough shape.

Gets the adrenaline going.

I saw something similar about 5 years ago. The car in front of me hit a guy crossing the street and sent him flipping. I’m not sure how she didn’t see him. I was first on the scene, I don’t think the woman that hit him ever got out of the car. I still get a pit in my stomach sometimes when I drive by that location.

Going into work this morning saw an old, presumably homeless guy, get hit by a car. Crossing a 5 lane wide road in the dark, I would presume moving pretty slowly since he had a rolling walker.

Police and EMTs were there when I left the scene. He was breathing and conscious but in rough shape.

Gets the adrenaline going.

I saw something similar about 5 years ago. The car in front of me hit a guy crossing the street and sent him flipping. I’m not sure how she didn’t see him. I was first on the scene, I don’t think the woman that hit him ever got out of the car. I still get a pit in my stomach sometimes when I drive by that location.

It took me a while to piece things together because it was a cab that hit him. At first thought it was a young guy who called 911, but pretty sure he was just a passenger in the cab. Turned out it was an old guy who was driving the cab who had been just standing there most of the time. You never know, but he seemed pretty chill for someone who might have just killed someone.

Speed limit is only 25 along there but everyone drives 35+, so my guess is he was speeding. Weighed against that is a guy dressed in dark clothing, jaywalking, crossing the road in the dark. He could have walked 100 ft. up the road and at least crossed at an intersection, with better lighting too.

Two nights ago, my girlfriend and I were walking laps in our neighborhood. As we passed a very dark house, we heard a voice say “can you help me?” It was an old man voice. About half of the houses in our neighborhood are decorated for Halloween, so we thought it might be a scary recording.

We walked back to the house twice, calling, “hello? Do you need help?” No response. But when we walked away, we heard the faint request for help again.

On our third trip back toward the house, I used the flashlight on my phone to walk up closer to the house and light the front door, where I saw an old man in boxers and a t shirt on the ground.

Long story short, I lifted him up. His legs were weak AF. As I released him, he swayed. He said, “I’m okay. Thank you” as he was timbering backward. I was like, “no, actually. You’re not.”

The old man had a walker, a walker with a seat and wheels, and the iconic white plastic patio chair that he proceeded to attempt to bring into the house. Except for enduring me lifting him, he didn’t want help. My friend asked him his name, and he replied, “I got the mail.”

My girlfriend and I left him shakily re-entering the house. He turned on lights. We walked several more laps to check on his status. After our next lap, he was back outside because he had dropped keys near the water spigot. Again, he said he didn’t need help.

As we walked, we realized that the house was pitch black because he had gone outside and fallen turning off the water hours before while it was still light. He had crawled to the front door. He was deaf and couldn’t hear us asking him if he needed help when we first walked by.

A couple of weeks ago I was headed to a mid-morning meeting.
On a busy road with no shoulder, I saw a guy in a wheelchair on the shoulder weaving until he suddenly turned left immediately in front of me. It was obvious he wanted me to hit and kill him. I stopped. He stared at me, tears in his eyes, contemplating trying his luck in the next lane. He opted to head back to the shoulder. I called 911 as did another driver. I hope they got him to some help.
If you make the choice to end your life, please don’t make some innocent stranger an unwilling participant.

A few years ago I saw a homeless guy git hit on a bike and tumble down a steep embankment into another traffic lane. I was on my bike, so rode up to help him. The first thing he did was pull a big ass machete out even though he was pretty messed up. Yep, lots of adrenaline.

So I stopped trying to help him, and just blocked traffic from a healthy distance so he wouldn’t get run over until first responders arrived.

A few years ago I was stopped at a red light where a major road (two lanes in each direction, speeds average about 50 mph) crossed. A cyclist on my right went through the intersection as a car was coming; thought I was going to witness a fatality. Amazingly, the car just hit his front wheel. He spun a bit and went down. He laughed, got up, and rode off.

I’ve never seen that. Worst memory like that I have is a dog getting hit by a car. It let out the worst sound I have ever heard. I will never unhear that sound.

Dog lived though. Spent the rest of his life with three legs.

This happened on my street growing up.

I grew up with a 3 legged, 1 eyed dog that got hit by a car either when I was very little or before I was born. We lived on a 50 mph road.

Last year I was running a race. A car pulled onto the closed course. I braced for impact.

Did you know you can shatter the side window of a Rav4/CR-V with your bare hands?


A few years ago I was stopped at a red light where a major road (two lanes in each direction, speeds average about 50 mph) crossed. A cyclist on my right went through the intersection as a car was coming; thought I was going to witness a fatality. Amazingly, the car just hit his front wheel. He spun a bit and went down. He laughed, got up, and rode off.

I few years ago I was sitting at a red light, 2 lanes of travel in my direction. I was in the left lane, no one stopped in the right lane. A woman was crossing in the crosswalk in front of me. I looked in my rear view mirror and just had a split second to see that a car was coming at a high rate of speed in the right lane and clearly wasn’t going to stop. I didn’t even have time to react as the woman was stepping out in front of me into the right lane. The car flew by running the red light missing the woman by inches.

I’ve never seen that. Worst memory like that I have is a dog getting hit by a car. It let out the worst sound I have ever heard. I will never unhear that sound.

Dog lived though. Spent the rest of his life with three legs.

This happened on my street growing up.

I grew up with a 3 legged, 1 eyed dog that got hit by a car either when I was very little or before I was born. We lived on a 50 mph road.

We lost a couple of dogs when I was a kid. Typical southern thing of just letting the dogs run free, lived on a rural 50 mph road.

Last year I was running a race. A car pulled onto the closed course. I braced for impact.

Did you know you can shatter the side window of a Rav4/CR-V with your bare hands?

Surprising at running speed. I could see if you got launched into it off a bike.

Do you recommend this technique?

Do you recommend this technique?

Easier than leeches to get the blood out.
And I got a free Covid test and booster out of it.

Two nights ago, my girlfriend and I were walking laps in our neighborhood. As we passed a very dark house, we heard a voice say “can you help me?” It was an old man voice. About half of the houses in our neighborhood are decorated for Halloween, so we thought it might be a scary recording.

We walked back to the house twice, calling, “hello? Do you need help?” No response. But when we walked away, we heard the faint request for help again.

On our third trip back toward the house, I used the flashlight on my phone to walk up closer to the house and light the front door, where I saw an old man in boxers and a t shirt on the ground.

Long story short, I lifted him up. His legs were weak AF. As I released him, he swayed. He said, “I’m okay. Thank you” as he was timbering backward. I was like, “no, actually. You’re not.”

The old man had a walker, a walker with a seat and wheels, and the iconic white plastic patio chair that he proceeded to attempt to bring into the house. Except for enduring me lifting him, he didn’t want help. My friend asked him his name, and he replied, “I got the mail.”

My girlfriend and I left him shakily re-entering the house. He turned on lights. We walked several more laps to check on his status. After our next lap, he was back outside because he had dropped keys near the water spigot. Again, he said he didn’t need help.

As we walked, we realized that the house was pitch black because he had gone outside and fallen turning off the water hours before while it was still light. He had crawled to the front door. He was deaf and couldn’t hear us asking him if he needed help when we first walked by.

Thank you for helping him. I think of my dad when I read things like this.

Did you know you can shatter the side window of a Rav4/CR-V with your bare hands?

Speaking from experience, you can shatter a windshield, too. I predict your arm will look like this in a few years.


Long time ago…

I was at the Chicago Bulls Championship game and walking to the stadium. A guy got of a cab with his son. He forgot the tickets in the cab and turned to run and get them as a CTA bus came along and hit him sending him flying to where I was standing. I was the first one to him (obviously) I was just about to start the first responder stuff when a guy came up next to me and told me he was an ER doctor. I was relieved that the doctor showed up. I was not sure what I was going to be able to do for the guy.
