Heat Acclimatization Protocol for GFT (IMFL, IMAZ, P4)?

I’m looking for advice on a heat acclimatization protocol for an IM near the end of the month. (other stuff was included in the title because I think (a) IMFL people would / should be thinking the same thing, (b) '08 IMAZ sufferers would possibly have some advice in hindsight, and (c) p4 posts get lots of traction).

Here’s the background: I live in Canada, and local temps look like they’ll be in the 17 / 62 degree range for the next few weeks race is the Great Floridian, and from past posts I’m gathering that it can get real hot I won’t be able to get to race site until the day before the event lots of base to go on, and did a hot weather IM most recently on Sept 20. Results: I tried to get lots of heat simulation in for that race, but found my run performance was suboptimal and likely 20-25 minutes slower and 100% more uncomfortable than what I should be capable of. expecting volumes in the 15-20 weekly hour range for the next few weeks.
I can live with layering during runs, indoor cycling with low or no fan, and overdressing. Any other things I should be doing to manage this heat thing? Any structure I ought to be applying to all workouts to make sure they have some heat element to ensure adaptation?

What has worked for you in the past?

The Greater Floridian is no worse than many Ottawa days in July.It tends to be very windy and humid.The bike is hilly.I have done ironman Lake Placid ,Ironmand Florida and have ridden this course many times in training.It is close to Lake Placid in difficulty.Drink lots,lots of sunscreen and do not expect a time as in easier races.You will find it challenging and an accomplishment(ido not say enjoyable since I never find Ironman races “fun” since I put too much effort into them)

I was at a talk by the physiologist who wrote the army ranger heat acclimatization guide.


It has a few nice bits to it.

I have lived my entire life in south Florida and routinely train in Clermont including the GFT course. I have done IMAZ twice thinking I would have an “edge” in the heat. I also have done IMFL twice but heat shouldn’t be a factor there as north Florida is relatively cool in November and being in the central time zone, gets dark early which tends to cool things down. All that said, getting use to the heat is difficult. I truely don’t think you can adapt in short time frame but what you can and should do is monitor your fluid and electrolyte replacement intake. I totally feel apart on the run in Arizona because I was cocky and thought the heat wouldn’t effect me. I should have double my electolyte intake and drank a lot more water. Lesson learned the hard way!