Headwinds effect on running

this is the first rigorous analysis of the effects of headwinds (and tailwinds) while running that I have seen…

Tailwinds in running

A couple years ago I found myself running uphill into a 20-30mph wind in Wyoming’s Red Desert, with only a lonely sagebrush or so for company though no shelter. Pace dropped from 10-11min/mi to 15/16, which seemed exorbitant.
The calculator based on this analysis gave that exact number.
Find it at,

wind calculator

Some interesting bits from the analysis:

If you’re running at an equivalent effort, running into a headwind will slow you down by two or three times as much as the equivalent tailwind will speed you up. This is a natural consequence of the fact that air resistance scales with the square of the airflow velocity.

So the old saw is wrong as usual, you never get back on the swings what you lose on the roundabouts…

Source Drag coefficient (Cd) for a runner
Schickenhofer 2021 0.73
Marro 2023 0.90
Walpert 1989 0.79
Davies 1980 0.82–0.91
Pugh 1970 0.80

These studies are a mix of experimental studies and computational fluid dynamics simulations, and all cluster around 0.8 or so (1,2). This range seems about right: better than an upright cyclist, worse than a time trial cyclist.

I have heard of terribly strong headwinds called “The Thumb Of God” from a Running Forum to which I used to belong. These would be notoriously fierce, reaching gale-force perhaps, in a manner as if God Himself had reached down, stuck His Thumb in your chest and said “You’re not going ANYWHERE!!!”

The kind of breeze that could knock little me six inches to a foot in any direction while my feet were off the ground as I trotted along as best as I could

I once posted “I got The Thumb AND Little Finger of God, and both in a :call_me_hand: sort of way, either”

Running an out&back wouldn’t matter, if you’re thinking ‘oh that would turn to a nice tailwind, then!’ Nope - The Thumb of God is ALWAYS in your face; that’s The Rule

I don’t know exactly where the name originated, as it was already well-established among the community when I joined, but I have a feeling it was birthed somewhere in the Midwest or Great Lakes region, as that is where a majority of the members came

For the cyclists, but could apply to a group run, too?

quote from fatcyclist.com many years ago