Head cold... IM in 10 days?

I have not swam in 3 weeks trying to avoid getting sick(air and water are cold) due to recovery from other hard training and flying. Well I got sick regardless. Now I am afraid to swim to get sicker. I am thinking the best thing to do is put all my chips on IM and avoid water till than. I was hoping to do a 4000 meter OWS this weekend in the Lake but my hunch is I will just get sicker and possibly miss IM.

What are your thoughts on a head cold and ear infections with all this? thx

First there is no fitness to be gained in ten days, but it’s easy to build fatigue. Listen to your body.

2nd TTL is a bacteria breeding ground so I would avoid it.

Sleep, sweat it our in a sauna, lots of fruit/veggies and vitamins, limit stress, see your GP or speak to a pharmacist regarding symptoms and what would help alleviate your symptoms. 10 days out is much better than 3-4.
Good luck

Go to the doctor and get a Z-Pak. 3 days and it will zap everything in your system that an antibiotic can control. After that, there is not much you can do but rest and recover. A common cold has no magic pill but time. infections can be fixed up quick.

IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Same thing happened to me before IMLT (You should be happy yours isn’t at altitude. The stuffy head felt worse up high). Rest, & liquids. In the end I was in the middle of my taper and the rest did me good. I still was a snot machine on race day but I don’t feel it affected my performance.

I never found that the pool vs. swimming or biking is more or less liekly to make a cold worse. Any trainig can reduce your immune system. But OTOH, training raises your core body temp that will, as I understand" help you fight infections. So maybe hitting the trainer is the best option.

Just get soem rest. 3 weeks out of the water. Wow, I could never be that brave to go into an IM with a large chunk of my swim fitness gone.

Ear infection (swimmer’s or middle ear)? Definitely get that treated and do not swim. Otherwise, light exercise should be ok. But first take oral temp to make sure you don’t have a low-grade fever.
I have not swam in 3 weeks trying to avoid getting sick(air and water are cold) due to recovery from other hard training and flying. Well I got sick regardless. Now I am afraid to swim to get sicker. I am thinking the best thing to do is put all my chips on IM and avoid water till than. I was hoping to do a 4000 meter OWS this weekend in the Lake but my hunch is I will just get sicker and possibly miss IM.

What are your thoughts on a head cold and ear infections with all this? thx

You could have typhoid like another SW’er on here with an IM coming up . . . so try to look on the bright side! Also, you might want to try Cold-Eze (I think that’s their bastardized spelling). It’s a zinc based supplement that is supposed to shorten the duration of a cold. It is one of the only cold remedies that supposedly has real clinical research backing it. My doctor recommended it to me and it can’t hurt, right?

relax, you’ll be fine. you need sleep, not 4000m of OWS.

use the time to check off things from the list that you need to pack for your race, cleaning and lubing your drivetrain and tuning your gears, etc.

I have a 50K on Saturday with a head cold. Pretty much just yoga this week with some short casual runs.

Oil of Oregano