Have you ever protested anything?

These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don’t have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people’s faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I don’t have much of a protesting bone as I think the first form of protest is stupid and accomplishes nothing and the second form that gets attention is illegal.

I have only been involved in one protest and that was when I a youth. I went to a friends church youth group that picketed an abortion clinic. I didn’t care much about abortion at the time but there was a hot girl in my friends churches youth group so there I was holding signs, signing songs and picketing the abortion clinic.

We started on the parking lot of the clinic but then had to move over to the lot next door when we were told we could not be in the abortion clinic lot. The youth leaders would talk to girls going into the clinic and try to convince them not to go in. It worked on quite a few. Overall, it was a very peaceful protest and maybe it did stop some girls from having an abortion so perhaps it worked. Dated the girl for three years as well so score one for me.

never been motivated to ever protest anything else in person and can’t imagine getting worked up about something in person.

No, I think it’s largely useless and possibly causes more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.

I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn’t.

I started a petition in 5th grade to change our shitty polyester pants, hot wool sweater vest and clip on tie uniforms and was threatened with a week suspension if I kept circulating it. They changed it the following year to khakis and polo shirt. No idea if it was related.

I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn’t.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

No, I think it’s largely useless and possible courses more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.


My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

It’s not just that you’re a liar, your trolling is weak too. If you’re going to beclown yourself here, try at least be more creative and entertaining.

Maybe one of your wives can help you out?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

It’s not just that you’re a liar, your trolling is weak too. If you’re going to beclown yourself here, try at least be more creative and entertaining.

Maybe one of your wives can help you out?

No lies told. Just the truth that from some reason you either can’t fathom or you just like to call people liars. No worries, you be you.

60 hippies and their protest were quite effective in changing views in the US about war and other things. After Vietnam it became clear that the US could no longer use the draft to engage in proxy Cold War conflicts.

Protests also had significant roles in racial policies and culture in the US and have caused major peaceful changes in many other countries.

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

Google vietnam war protestors and look at the images. Do they look like hippies?


“These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.”

No one will care about protests not interfering with others - by their very nature, if they do not cause an issue, no one has to pay any attention. The womens right to vote, end of slavery, british rule in ireland (india, or basically anywhere) were all brought about by protest, in many instances violent.

There are few things that would agitate me enough to get out and do something about them, or to want to make my feelings felt about them other than through a ballot box.

Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70’s.

Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women’s March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president.** It was prompted by Trump’s policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.**

“These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.”

No one will care about protests not interfering with others - by their very nature, if they do not cause an issue, no one has to pay any attention. The womens right to vote, end of slavery, british rule in ireland (india, or basically anywhere) were all brought about by protest, in many instances violent.

There are few things that would agitate me enough to get out and do something about them, or to want to make my feelings felt about them other than through a ballot box.

Exactly, to really protest it must be done at your own peril as it is in your face, often violent and designed to make people uncomfortable. ( can be arrested for it)

A protest that does not bother anyone is not really a protest is it?

Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women’s March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president.** It was prompted by Trump’s policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.**

Yes, those vagina hats were pretty funny. Hope it made the folks feel better and they got some cool pictures.

No, I think it’s largely useless and possibly causes more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.

You might make the argument that the college protesters are getting some results. In an election year, I think the Biden administration is pretty sensitive to this issue and to the reaction of the younger generation, who are an important voting block for Democrats.

Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70’s.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you’ve got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the “He-Man, women’s hater club”. You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn’t.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the “hippies” as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70’s culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

The protest was at the nearby college, but I was not yet in college.

As for your father’s stories, yeah, some protesters behaved badly. So did some soldiers.