Have the swim bike run sub forums proven to be a success?

Or should there be just an endurance section ?

I have not looked in them since the switch to the new format.
Would prefer it all in one place.


I’m the same as Ben, I’ve not looked at the sub forums.

How about a link to this mythical forum? So I know about what you are enquiring.


Same. And the activity stats for the subforums seem very light, especially for this audience.


I went to the “Gravel” sub and asked a question about gravel tri in The West, got a response and now have a race I’ll be doing this upcoming summer. So…individual success for me!

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Has anyone tried using this “topics” link?


It shows all posts from all unmuted subforums in one place…

Thats the only way I use it, now. And it gets me exactly what I want, and that you allude to.

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IMO, splitting the forums out this way demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what made this place so successful in the first place.


Cool ,good to hear , but do you think had you asked in the main forum you would not have gotten the same advise ?

Running seems to be doing OK - regardless of the angst in the 100/100 thread

I enjoy it, anyway, and visit/contribute often

Yes ,I have tried it a few days and left it .

Maybe, I don’t know. I threw it in there to see if I’d get a hit…and I did. Very possibly dumb luck. I did get one response that mentioned gravel bike races (not triathlons) but otherwise it wasn’t derailed and turned into a conversation or a debate about something barely related to my OP. I appreciated that.

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To each their own. But, I’m curious why did you leave it? What about it doesn’t meet the need of a forum combing all topics in a single place?

On average I go like once a month to the lavender room so the noise was too much on a daily basis.

Exactly this for me. Lavender room posts are probably 3x or 4x triathlon posts so there were multiple LR posts at the top of the list.
I have been watching posting trends. The LR is quite interesting. I always thought it was a minority of posts. It’s the majority

Topics can be muted.

Upper right, “bell” icon. Click that and it won’t appear in the “topics” feed.


You can still visit the LR, by going to All Categories / Lavender Room:

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Triathlon is still the most posts per month at 201, LR is second place at 152.

Go to LR, something like 13 threads have move in the last hour. Here : 4
Not sure were you get per month. Site stats show 443 posts in 24hours

Either way, when I used latest, with LR on, the majority of posts on the top of the list are LR

Ok…topics versus posts:
