Has the LR been hidden?

It seems as if the LR has been hidden when I search from a desktop. I apparently need to log in before I can see it, and then there’s a “lock” icon before it.

I haven’t commented previously on the changes. I didn’t really care, But this raised concerns.

Posting just to see if I can actually post.

You can post. We’re discussing this in one of the other threads. It looks like the new management made the LR into a “secure” forum that can only be read or searched for if you’re logged in.

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OK. I can post.

It’s just weird that the LR doesn’t appear as a forum category on a desktop, unless and until you actually log in. At least for me.

I fear our days are numbered.

Let’s try to schedule that LR get together when we can. In a nod to Wendy, I suggest Chicago.

We are cautiously optimistic that this might be the new management trying to find a compromise that keeps the LR, but prevents it from impacting advertising or the family friendly image they are working on.

We’ll see.

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This makes some sense, hopefully keep some bots out.

The thing is that windywave is right (I didn’t say Wendy). There is disposable income here. I have patronized Slowtwitch advertisers even though my tri days are over. That has been solely through me seeing and clicking on LR advertisement. (In particular, a gravel bike, a mountain bike, and two wetsuits (I’ve increased in size) – not a lot, but something.)

The off thing is that the new format has no advertisements. Nothing. I’m an easy and stupid dupe, but I can’t fall for nothing.

Edit. Sorry. I missed the treadmill ad at the top of the page.

I’m not a bot.

We can deal with bots here.

Or is this like wide net tuna fishing, where they also catch dolphins, where some argue to shut down the industry, even though there are alternatives?

Thank you for confirming. I am apparently good at lurking, rarely logging in or posting, but I do swing by the LR at least once a day. I remain optimistic that things will work out for the LR as I do enjoy it and no longer participate in other forum things.

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I stand corrected.

Shut this down.