Harris Walz interview review

It is not a moot point. It is a lame explanation. If she were to say I did what I was told and I now understand that we shouldn’t blame fracking. The good people of Pennsylvania want fracking so I won’t try to ban it. That would have sounded at least half credible.

I don’t think Pennsylvanians are buying the explanation. At least not rural ones.

As to what a President can do the Biden administration has repeatedly tried to do things the President cannot do such as unilaterally forgive student debt.

The reality is that we persist in the fantasy that we can produce enough energy cleanly to continue living the lifestyles we currently partake in. We need to make some sacrifices. We need to stop thinking we can get in a plane and fly anywhere we want to without consequences. I read that this labor day will be a record amount of airplane travel. That couldn’t happen without the half of the country that votes Democrat getting on planes and flying somewhere that really isn’t essential. It isn’t like Republicans are not getting on planes although poor rural folks who vote Trump likely are doing it less. Irony. But no American politician of either party will say that. We think we will get technological solutions to what is really a moral problem.

It isn’t like any of this matters much on this forum. Almost nobody is openly advocating voting for Trump here.

There is not a single indicator that she will ban it, and every measurable indicator that she won’t (and can’t). You can repeat that all you want but those are the facts. She didn’t explain a newfound love for the practice, or how technology or comprehensive strategic changes undergird her position over the last four years, but the facts are what they are: she said she wouldn’t oppose it, she later unilaterally voted to expand fracking leases, and has reaffirmed her commitment to not ban it.

Realistically I don’t know what more you or rural Pennsylvanians need to hear.

(Side note: I just discovered that you can automatically italicize a word by bracketing it with asterisks)

I believe we can. The transition will take some time and be very bumpy, but I am relatively optimistic for the long term.

Here, l 100% agree with you.

No politician is willing to address this hard fact. Sadly, we seem to prefer to live in a fantasy land.

Is that just wordplay? Question, “Will you ban fracking?” answer , “NO, i will not ban fracking” actual thoughts…“I will regulate fracking out of existence”.

The executive branch does not have ability to do that, especially after SCOTUS overturned Chevron vs NRDC