Happy 70th Birthday Dave Scott!

Probably means more to the older generation on here but definitely worth recognising as another milestone in the sport.

I bet he could still go sub 10 in Kona.

Of all current pros racing Kona, I would be more honored to share the course with Dave then any current pro. As an AG of course.

Happy Birthday

Still-The Man!
Happy Birthday, Dave!

I bet he could still go sub 10 in Kona.

I was thinking the guy sounds like he is in shape for a sub 9:30 even a few years ago!!!

Happy Birthday Dave Scott.


I was on vacation in Kona in early December and came across a guy stopped on the side of the road working on his bike. I stopped to see if he needed any help, and I was stunned to learned that it was THE Dave Scott. Trust me when I say that he didn’t look anywhere near 70 years old!

— Francis

I don’t think any athlete has consistently inspired me more than Dave Scott! He’s a legend.

Twenty something years ago I was in grad school at CU Boulder and working at the West End Wine Shop part time, and he was a customer. The first time he came in and bought something, I checked the name on his credit card to make sure it was him. I was starstruck but he was a super nice and easy-going guy. Sometime later I ran into him and his son Drew out on a bike ride going up the back of Old Stage Road from Lefthand Canyon. Drew was probably 14 or 15 and riding flat mountain bike pedals. They both easily outclimbed me. What’s amazing is that I’m now older than he was back then. Hope I’m holding up like him when I’m 70 …

Back in the mid and late 80s, I was doing a lot of Oly distance tris. Dave Scott, Mark Allen, Scott Tinley, Scott Molina and a few others were winning pretty much everything on he men’s side, but Dave was always “The Man”. Ultimately life took over - job, family, etc - and I stopped competing and wasn’t training regularly. But the triathlon fire still burned. About 10 or 12 years ago I started running seriously again and then got back into triathlon. I qualified for the 2021 70.3 World Champs in St George and at that race I finished on the podium for my AG.

At the awards ceremony that evening I went up on stage to receive my award and it was presented to me by Dave Scott and Mark Allen. I had a few seconds to talk to them and told them that when I was (much) younger and was doing triathlon, they were my heroes, my idols. Dave Scott looked me straight in the eye and said “Yea, but there’s one important difference. You’re still out there doing it!” I will never forget that moment and honestly, what he said to me meant more than finishing on the podium in the WC. Dave Scott is indeed “The Man”. Happy Birthday.

Yes, what an inspiration is was/is. The personification of the ultimate Ironman. Happy Birthday DaveProbably means more to the older generation on here but definitely worth recognising as another milestone in the sport.

I got into multi-sport events in the mid-80s in the UK, Dave Scott was a hero of mine back then. There weren’t any UK magazines from memory, but I did manage to get some US Triathlete magazines which were full of the exploits of the Big Four, and many others.
Fast forward to 2010, Dave was doing a talk at a Triathlon Show in London. My partner and I went along, enjoyed a great talk by Dave in a packed room. Afterwards we were sat in a lounge area away from the main Show, Dave walked in on his own, and so we went and had a chat. I can’t fully recall what we talked about, training tips and bike set-up I think I asked him about. But what I do recall is how nice a chap he is, really down to earth and humble guy. Made my weekend that’s for sure!
Happy Birthday Dave.

Of all current pros racing Kona, I would be more honored to share the course with Dave then any current pro. As an AG of course.

Happy Birthday

Agreed! Happy Birthday, Dave!!

My triathlon hero as well! Met him in Kona in ‘ 16 and was star struck 🤩.

I swear I saw him for the first time on network tv, early 80s, with pro athletes from other sports out in the woods doing physical challenges. I remember they announced him as a “triathlete” and he was kicking butt! I had never heard of Kona before then😀

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Dave on several occasions (races, training camps etc) over many years: He has always been a class act: polite, encouraging, engaging - and with a great sense of humor. A real gem of a guy.