Do you guys go to simple sugars? gatorade and cola?
Do you guys go to simple sugars? gatorade and cola?
More infinit, in a bottle i carry
Mainly use a concentrated slurry of Infinit in a gel flask and then squirt a bit into a cup w/ water at aid stations to chug. Maybe every 2nd or 3rd aid station, try a gatorade or coke for variety and to stretch out the flask of Infinit a bit longer. The coke was good going down, but took a little longer to settle in my stomach.
Perpetuem in a bottle with a Nathan hand holder thing. I get a fresh bottle at special needs. And a Red Bull in T2 and at special needs
I go with Infinite, hammergels and a Clif bar on bike and alternate gatorade and coke/water on the run. I will also add a few gels on run next race.
Water and GU
Whatever is on the course.
Getting nutrition in on the bike is easier than the run. The run
I have to go by what my stomach can take. Oh, and I hate running
carrying stuff in a race vs training. It’s one of the few reasons I
like races.
i go with what’s offered on the course. usually gatorade, later on coke. i used to love the chicken broth, but it’s no longer even warm, so i’ve given up on that.
super duper concentrated Infinit in Fuel Belt bottles, squirt in cup of ice - yum.
coke about every other aid station
i used to love the chicken broth, but it’s no longer even warm, so i’ve given up on that.
Warm chicken broth is the best.
Cold chicken broth tastes like someone tried to juice a chicken.
For those who continue to use Infinite on the run, do you use a different mix than on the bike? And, you use it with water at every aid station? I’d really like to figure this out, as Infinite worked like a charm on the bike of my last IM, but then I switched to my usual run nutrition - gel & water every 30-40 mins and alternating water vs. aid station electorlyte sol’n every other station. Spent lotsa time in the porta-potties and almost barfed on that last gel.
I only drink water throughout the bike and the run. Nutrition is Perp on the bike and some gels on the run. Endurolytes for electrolyte replacement. Basically I keep hydration, nutrition and electrolyte replacement as separate as possible. That way, I am always able to take in plain water and not constantly have a mouthful of flavoured whatever.
x2 what jackbauer said; a super concentrated flask of Infinit on the run. 2-1/2 to 3 scoops of Infinit in a 10 oz flask, swig a mouthful of this concentrate at every other aid station with a water chaser. I will also consume one gel on the run at about the 7km point. Works like a charm. BTW, this is after nothing but Infinit with water chasers on the bike as well.
infinit concentrate and water from aid stations but a different mix than I use on the bike, no protein in the run mix…a little chicken broth if I want something not sweet
Like others have said, I carry concentrated Infinit on a fuel belt and supplement with water at the aid stations. Once one of the fuel belt bottles is empty I’ll fill it up with plain water so I don’t have to necessarily coordinate nutrition with the aid station. My run Infinit mix is lower calorie than the bike mix and it has caffeine in it. I did my first IM last week (Louisville) and had 100% success with Infinit. No stomach issues and I was able to take in calories the entire time.
I like Hammere Gele. Car-BOOMe is tasty too. Powere Gele is good as well. And of course the old standby, GUe.
Dislike HEEDe immensely.
Gatorad and Powerad are OK, I guess.
Tried FRSe recently, thought it was decent. Not really a fair shake, since I was having issues w/ the heat that day.
** I’m arbitrarily adding and subtracting “e” from common nutritional product names, just like nearly everybody else does with INFINIT.
Including athletes who are SPONSORED by them. WTF!!!
If Mike Folan sponsors ME, I promise I will work tirelessly to stamp out the misspelling of the name of his fine product. Folanator, you hearing me?