Hammer gel nutrition

I recently was on hammer gels site and they have a very comprehensive nutrition packet…it has a lot of info and the usual plugs for their products, but does anyone have any comments about their suggestions in general…I’m doing my first 1/2 IMs this year and want to start testing nutrition since it will be a more significant factor in my races than my experience at the sprint/oly level…any other suggestions on sources for training and race day nutrition are appreciated…FYI, my race nutrition to date has been nothing more sophisticated than a few gels (I like GU), H2O, Gatorade – maybe a banna and bagel w/pb a few hours before race.

I used Hammer Gels for the first time last fall in an adventure race. They are great. You can add just a bit of water in the small flasks and it is really easy to consume. Tastes pretty good too. That said, I have a cast iron stomach and can eat pretty much any type of gel or energy bar or drink in a race and never have a problem. Try some out and see if it works for you.

Hammer Gel rocks. The ONLY gel my stomach can tolerate at long distance. That, and Gatorade for me, and that’s all - I keep it simple. You cannot go wrong with Hammer Gel.

I love Hammer Gel. It is easy to squeeze out even in very cold weather. The taste is so far the best. Rasberry is my favorite. No gastric distress or other problems. I use it on my long ride every week.

Hammer Gel is by far the easiest to digiest/best form of energy that you can get, since it is made with complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars. O have a thyroid problem, and this stuff, along with sustainedenergy, is the only thing that my body can tolerate without going into sugar shock. Carb BOOM energy gel also works, but Hammer Gel seems to work a little beter when combined with sustained energy.


Best stuff out there.Mix HG with SE and you got a potent, long lasting

endurance drink. Used it for IRONMAN USA and never had a problem

all day long. Love the stuff, plus it is better on your pocket book than others.

Give it a try.

I agree with everyone else. Hammer Gel is by far the best product out there. Plus you can not go wrong with the price. A 20 oz. bottle of Hammer Gel goes for $17.00 = 26 servings = .65 cents per serving. Vs. $1.25 for a packet of Powergel.

Raspberry is my favorite flavor.


Try the vanilla flavor too. It’s great alone or mixed with raspberry. I have a sensitive stomach and Hammer Gel is the easiest to digest, with Carb-boom being the next best.

I like the hammer gel also. The apple-cinamon is just plain tasty. I am very skeptical about many of the other E-caps products, however. If you follow all of the advice those guys give, You’ll be hauling 10 pounds of capsules in a backpack during your IM. That being said, I do use the race caps, e-caps, and premium insurance caps (multivitamins). I also like the Endurolytes for long hot days. I usually take 1/2 or less of the dosages they recommend.

I do NOT have an iron cast stomach…

Hammergel is the best product I’ve ever used. I also like some of their other products such as Sustained Energy and Endurolytes.


For 1/2 IM’s and IM’s, I use Perpetuem (also by e-caps) exclusively on the bike. One bottle, two scoops, an hour on the bike. I carry it all with me so I don’t have to use aid stations at all. For the run, I switch to hammergel, water and coke.

Hammer Gel is by far the easiest to digiest/best form of energy that you can get, since it is made with complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars. O have a thyroid problem, and this stuff, along with sustainedenergy, is the only thing that my body can tolerate without going into sugar shock. Carb BOOM energy gel also works, but Hammer Gel seems to work a little beter when combined with sustained energy.

This is a reply to a year old post but what caught my eye was your reference to having a thyroid problem which I also suffer from (diagnosed in the last year). I am doing my first IM in 2004 and was wondering what if anything I should look (out) for as far as training, nutrition, monitoring throughout the year. I am currently on Synthroid as well as testosterone replacement as both my TSH and testosterone levels were way below normal (felt like I was overtrained all of the time and then some no matter what I was doing). I’m hoping the Synthroid straightens out the T levels so I can stop taking the testosterone replacement. Anyone out here with a similer situation?? BTW I am currently using HG products which seem to agree with my touchy gut, although the SE is a little much when warm.

Hammer Gel is great stuff, but I also try to follow some of the other protocols concerning Race Caps, Endurocaps, Endurolytes, and Sustained Energy. I’ve also become quite commited (addicted?) to Perpetuem, whether mixed with water for the bike or concentrated as a paste in a flask for the run. For a recent marathon I used one flask of Hammer Gel (chocolate mixed with banana) and one flask of perpetupaste, and had great results; I only took in water at the aid stations - no Gatorade. Beyond this I use their Premium Insurance Caps and their REM Caps, which have succeeded in turning a lousy sleeper into an adequate sleeper. Finally, their customer service is beyond compare - phone them with any question and they are extremely generous with their time and knowledge.