Hallux valgus (1)

Hello! I had a hallux valgus operation 2 weeks ago, and right now I’m going to have to use special shoes that are 6cm.superior to the other shoe, so until the end of July, that’s when physiotherapy exercises can begin. Has anyone had this kind of surgery and were you wearing this shoe for so long and were specialist exercises done before? As long as I go with this shoe, the hip, knee and leg will be painful, I have already, and in 5 weeks I should have muscular dysbalance when I walk like this.And when i have must running?

Wow that certainly will take some recovery time. I have no idea how to advise on your healing process, but for anyone else having pain in their big toe due to bunion, try a product like this and use gradually working up to wearing overnight during sleep, and always make sure your shoes are not constrictive in the toe box area. Despite being commonly told bunion are a genetic pre-disposition, they are caused by constrictive footwear over time as you never see a baby or child with bunion toes. Therefore, the preferred alternative to surgery is to slowly and gradually bend them back strait. I suffered bunion pain and started using these correctors and now my feet are corrected. Check it out:


bunion corrector.JPG

Thanks for answering! I think this thing occurred to me over the years. I used to do karatesport and there were a lot of kicks in my leg done with my foot. And a lot of tight front-end running shoes have been running. I used to do these exercises for many years, and ll the leg bone was curved and more than 15 km. I couldn’t run, my legs were getting too sore. That’s why I’ve only been able to do sprint and Olympic distance races. Now one had leg surgery and if i can run it well with the leg, I’ll have the other leg do too. I’ve been 60 years old. Nice day!!!