Half marathon vs. 70.3 run

I have searched the forum and there are a couple of threads on this but they are all pre super shoe so I dont know if that changes things. I have not run a standalone half marathon in a while, and am doing one in November and am unsure what I should be aiming for.

This past weekend I did Challenge Almere middle distance, I ran a 1:30:06 off a 2:34 bike (94km) and a 31 min swim. The run course was slightly long - .15miles/350 metres on Garmin, Strava said the time for half was 1:29:16 - I am guessing I should be able to go a few mins faster, but not really sure what I should be aiming for as I dont want to leave anything on the table!

The race in November is flat, as was the run in Almere and should be around the same temperature so should be fairly comparable.


In 70.3 my best runs are in the low 1:30s; my best HM runs have been 1:26. So for you, I would guess you should be capable of low 1:20s, depending mostly on how hard you pushed on the bike in your 70.3. If you pushed really hard on the bike and still ran 1:29, I would think you can get close to 1:20; if you cruised the bike and then ran 1:29, I would think it would be closer to 1:24.

If I were you, I would pace and aim for a 1:20 and see what happens. If you end up having to back off a little, then you just back off, but you want to give yourself a shot at a PB performance.

My times are pretty similar to yours and I’m about 4min faster in a cool weather half.

I think a lot depends on how well trained you are for the swim and bike and how hard you biked that half-distance tri. The stronger you are in the first two events, the closer your tri run time will be to the stand-alone version. Historically, my 70.3 runs were about 4 minutes slower, but my last one was six minutes because I pushed higher watts on the bike than typical. I gained five minutes on the bike but surrendered two of them back on the run.

Times have gotten faster with super shoes, but the formulas have not. So open half should be about 5-10 minutes faser

I’d aim for 20-30 seconds per mile faster for an open 13.1.

A general rule of thumb might be- that ones run pace in a triathlon should be that of double the distance in an open running race.

70.3 run = open marathon pace
Olympic distance run = half marathon pace

This might imply to bad pacing also.
Poorly paced 70.3 run = back half of badly paced marathon.

Some people do seem to run better of the the bike!

For you…
Using my rule of thumb + running equivalency calculator.
1:29 70.3 run implies - 2:58 open marathon ability
2:58 marathon implies - 1:25 half marathon

I think I am one of those that regardless of pacing and bike fitness just don’t run as well of the bike as “I should” Open HM 1:19, 70.3 best 1:28. One of the strongest guys around here in my age group runs about 3-4 minutes slower than his open half, form like 1:15-1:18-1:19 when having a good day.

I wish I knew who to credit for this chart. I have found it extremely valuable.

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that chart is pretty much bang on for me. super interesting!

Do a time trial. If there is a Halloween 5K that you can jump into, run it in the super shoes to determine what your current threshold pace. From there you can determine what pace you should be able to hold for a half marathon. If there isn’t a 5K race you can do a 1600m time trial on a track would work too. Anything else is guess work. If you are able to do a sub 1:30 off the bike I am guessing that you are NOT limited on the run by poor swim or bike fitness or pacing, but again that is guessing. Most can do open half marathons 6-10% faster than their off-the-bike triathlon run times, but I was more like 40% over my open run time my first 3 years in the sport. It took my about 6 years to get to the 6-10% rule-of-thumb, but now I am more like 2% over my open run time for my triathlon runs. So…do the time trial. It is a great priming workout for your half marathon and will dial you into your race-day pace.

Me too … pretty regular 80-83min open half, have not broken 90 in a HIM. I usually have back pain OTB and just can’t run like normal, someday I’ll crack the code!

It should be between 3-10 minutes if paced well.

I PR a standalone HM around 1:18-1:20 and run my IM70.3 HM around 1:23-1:29. Full marathon PR is 2:50, my marathon times in IM events between 3:30-3:15, so it extrapolates to about 6-10% slower. This is though at ideal pacing and can vary greatly, depending on the bike effort prior to the run.

Proper bike fitting? :slightly_smiling_face: