Gustav focusing on Kona

According to Olav

Thanks for sharing. This was to be expected.

I hope Gustav will get & take a few PTO wild cards. Olaf & KB were saying, that out of 3 (Olympics, Kona, T100) you could only target 2. With Olympics out of sight, it seems possible now.

If he’s going for Kona, then he’s already partway through the table on the IM points side. He’d need to validate his spot, plus Kona - so that’s already 2 of the 3 IM races that you’d need to score well on the IM series. Add in a 70.3 to qualify for worlds, and 70.3 worlds itself, and he’d just need another IM (or maybe a 70.3?) to target for the IM series.

I wonder if Gustav was one of the “high profile” athletes who were denied a last minute entry to IM Texas.

Contr-argument would be, that Gustav isn’t a seasoned IM athlete. With his achilles injury he’ll be super careful with load increase, especially running. He might validate late (e.g. Frankfurt, potentially with KB if he doesn’t win Paris) and just go for Kona.

If he’s going for Kona, then he’s already partway through the table on the IM points side. He’d need to validate his spot, plus Kona - so that’s already 2 of the 3 IM races that you’d need to score well on the IM series. Add in a 70.3 to qualify for worlds, and 70.3 worlds itself, and he’d just need another IM (or maybe a 70.3?) to target for the IM series.

I wonder if Gustav was one of the “high profile” athletes who were denied a last minute entry to IM Texas.

Doubtful, I don’t think his run is anywhere near what is needed yet.

Contr-argument would be, that Gustav isn’t a seasoned IM athlete. With his achilles injury he’ll be super careful with load increase, especially running. He might validate late (e.g. Frankfurt, potentially with KB if he doesn’t win Paris) and just go for Kona.

He can also validate with 2x 70.3 races right? On a podcast, I forget which, his coach was referencing that KB and GI may just use validating races as long training days and not truly race. Hard to imagine either the athlete or IM itself being happy about that scenario, but just showing up and finishing 2 70.3’s is an easy day for them.

Sure, that’s also an option. I just wanted to highlight, that IM Series isn’t the best choice for Gustav, because it’s too long course heavy and he’s too fragile at the moment.

I don’t know that you’ll see a ton of variance between an “long training day” effort and an “race effort”. I guess they wouldn’t go deep in the well, but I dont think you’ll see them race walking the marathon. Their “training day” effort would likely still be very competitive. This wouldn’t be an old school move pro’s did 10 years ago where they are eating a bag of chips while walking the marathon. They just may not go deep in the well, but the effort will still almost assuredly be “professional” like.

Will be good to have Gustav back, he has a lot of fans and is one of the more likeable and interesting characters in the sport. With Lionel and Frodo gone or going, we need guys like this.

Sure, that’s also an option. I just wanted to highlight, that IM Series isn’t the best choice for Gustav, because it’s too long course heavy and he’s too fragile at the moment.

Totally agree. My bet is that he isn’t focusing on any series this year. Just focus on a few target races and getting healthy.

Sure, that’s also an option. I just wanted to highlight, that IM Series isn’t the best choice for Gustav, because it’s too long course heavy and he’s too fragile at the moment.

Totally agree. My bet is that he isn’t focusing on any series this year. Just focus on a few target races and getting healthy.

Winning Kona is worth more than chasing the series and not winning Kona anyways to him. Eyes on the prize.

Will be good to have Gustav back
Absofuckinglutely. Really hope we start to see more of him sooner rather than later. If he can steadily build into Kona while staying healthy he will very likely be the man to beat or at worst on par with Sam and Magnus.

Will be good to have Gustav back
Absofuckinglutely. Really hope we start to see more of him sooner rather than later. If he can steadily build into Kona while staying healthy he will very likely be the man to beat or at worst on par with Sam and Magnus.

This ^^^

Pretty sure this is gonna motivate Laidlow, exciting times for Kona this year