Guru Fit Data Help

I am looking for some help in interpreting my GURU fit report. I have asked GURU for some help but I did not get the support I was looking for. Are any of you fitters on here experienced with the GURU fit reports?

Very familiar with Guru reports and happy to help. But why are you unable to have conversation with the person who fit you?

Anne, thanks for the reply. I had a fit done and subsequently bought a new bike from that same LBS. I was very unhappy with the process of having the new bike assembled to be in accordance with the fit data. After a lot of discussions I returned the bike for a refund. Needless to say I’m not on thier list of prefered customers. :slight_smile: If it’s ok, I’d like to send you a copy of the fit report and pics of the bike as set up. This will help me follow your explanation of the different numbers onthe report.


Wow Bill, sorry to hear that story. Please feel free to pm me for my email.

if you still have questions, shoot me a PM!