I have a Gen 1 DFU I purchased used, it has worked great until today. The handle bars will move forward and back but not up and down, I can hear motor but no movement. The seat is operating perfectly so not sure what to do

Did you get this figured out? I’ve had the same issue and found it to be the coupler between the motor and the screw. Happy to talk you through the repair if you still need to get it sorted.

Hello! I have the same problem. How did you repair?

Best regards

Support plans are available for the GURU fit bikes from Kalida. If I recall correctly, Kalida were the original design team for the GURU fit bike - or have been involved in their design for quite awhile. Check the link above and there’s a support email you can reach out to with questions.

Have had their Gen 2 bike for 6 years - it gets very heavy use and has been impressively solid. Be ready for belts to go out from time to time (I think I’ve had to replace 3-4 belts in 6 years). 5 minutes to replace once it arrives in the mail.

The coupler between the motor and screw seems to come loose in a lot of these.