Gun Show loophole closed

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Hopefully that will put an end to anti 2A people saying anyone can go buy a gun without a background check.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Well, the millions in the NRA and other political gun clubs will all be sending death threats to you soon.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Hopefully that will put an end to anti 2A people saying anyone can go buy a gun without a background check.

Technically you still could in a private sale but requiring any seller to have an FFL would be a tad goofy

Is this going to apply to auctions done by a professional auctioneers or do they fall under private sales? There are already a lot of people who will pay a hefty premium to buy a gun “that the government can’t track so they can confiscate it” at auctions. Regular law abiding people will pay more than retail just to keep Obama from taking their guns. If that is the only place you can do that now, whew, those prices will jump and the auctioneers will really ramp up the rhetoric to fuel the fear.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

The so called Gun Show loop hole is a bit of a farce. At least in Idaho, Montana, where I have lived if you are engaged in the business of selling fire arms then you need a license. I’m sure there are criteria that establish what it means to be in business.
The other sales are a private sale between 2 individuals which can happen anywhere. I’ve purchased a few guns at shows and always went through a background check. I help coach a youth shotgun team and we raffle off a gun almost every year to raise funds. The winner has to go through a FFL in order for the transfer to take place.

It’s not really as prevalent as the news makes it out to be and I doubt that a private sale is the target audience to be out breaking the law at least in the gun show realm. Now if some street punk buys one in a back alley that’s your target.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

But didn’t this SC say that only Congress can make regulations?

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Hopefully that will put an end to anti 2A people saying anyone can go buy a gun without a background check.

Technically you still could in a private sale but requiring any seller to have an FFL would be a tad goofy

Exactly. I’m glad to see this law to come down but I’m wondering if there’s not another loophole that will be exposed in the “predominantly for profit” language.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

But didn’t this SC say that only Congress can make regulations?

Did you read the article? They did

Is this going to apply to auctions done by a professional auctioneers or do they fall under private sales? There are already a lot of people who will pay a hefty premium to buy a gun “that the government can’t track so they can confiscate it” at auctions. Regular law abiding people will pay more than retail just to keep Obama from taking their guns. If that is the only place you can do that now, whew, those prices will jump and the auctioneers will really ramp up the rhetoric to fuel the fear.

I would imagine no since the seller is the person doing the selling and the auction house is just a conduit

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

But didn’t this SC say that only Congress can make regulations?

Did you read the article? They did

I did read it before but missed that. So what means will the SC use to knock this down? They will find something.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

But didn’t this SC say that only Congress can make regulations?

Did you read the article? They did

I did read it before but missed that. So what means will the SC use to knock this down? They will find something.

Congress also passed a law that the executive branch can forgive student loans. But SCOTUS said nope.

SCOTUS feels like they can do whatever they want.

The new rule is redefining what a gun dealer is.

Basically, almost everyone will be a gun dealer now.

The new rule is redefining what a gun dealer is.

Basically, almost everyone will be a gun dealer now.

So do you think the term “bad” would describe the new rule for you?

Asking for a friend.

But my take from just reading the one article linked is that “everyone” is a pretty big exaggeration.

Only an imbecile could think this is bad.

Yes but there are a lot of imbeciles out there who belong to the NRA.

Isn’t this the kind of thing that the current Supreme Court could knock down, like they did with EPA regulations.

You have a right to own a gun with limited intereference. You arguably have a right to buy a gun with limited interference. You don’t have a right to sell a gun without regulation.

But didn’t this SC say that only Congress can make regulations?

Did you read the article? They did

I did read it before but missed that. So what means will the SC use to knock this down? They will find something.

Constitutional rights are not absolute…I imagine this would be upheld

The new rule is redefining what a gun dealer is.

Basically, almost everyone will be a gun dealer now.

If you can read this you’re not illiterate just lack fucking reading comprehension skills

I would think it’s pretty self explanitory and there would be precedent established. Are you in the act of generating profit on a regular basis? If so your a dealer and need to go through the FFL route. If it’s a 1 off instance where I’m selling a gun that a friend, family member, or stranger I wouldn’t consider that a business.

We just had an instance where one of our team members purchased a new shotgun to upgrade. Their old one they are going to sell to another team member. These are all minors so the parents are the actual purchaser and seller. So not making a profit or part of their business. So there should be no need to involve a FFL and pay the $50-$100 transfer fee.

I’ve never sold a gun myself only bought them so wouldn’t apply to me. My father told me a long time ago never sell a gun, you will regret it some day so I just keep them to pass along to my kids.

My father told me a long time ago never sell a gun, you will regret it some day so I just keep them to pass along to my kids.

In my more active gun days, I treated them more like bikes. n+1 is always active, but you have to occassionally clear out some space.