Gulf Coast 70.3 Roll Call

This is my first ever triathlon, let alone a 70.3. Super excited but very nervous as well! Hoping it is wetsuit legal (although I’ll probably swim with it anyways given there’s no way I’ll be getting age group awards :wink:

Any tips/tricks for this course specifically, or advice for a first timer? I swam competitively in middle school and part of high school, and was suprised at how quickly distance swimming came back to me in training, but live in Chicago so there has been no opportunity for open water swimming yet. I’ll be getting in Thursday night so planning on a practice swim out there on Friday. Fingers crossed!!

Wow, congratulations on taking the plunge. This is a great first triathlon, but it is also pretty challenging…
I hope this is not also be your very first open water swim. It is a fantastic swim, and the water is usually crystal clear and beautiful this time of year. But the ocean swells (and sometimes waves) can be disconcerting for first-time swimmers, especially surrounded by others. Coming from a swimming background, you will probably have great speed. But risk of a minor freak out is real in this swim. So, if you start to feel the panic, just pull-up and tread water for a few minutes.The bike is very fast. No major tips. There are two turn-around points. First is just a U-turn on the highway. The second is on a wooden walking trail. Take both slow.The run is usually mega hot, but this year’s forecast may be a bit moderate. Regardless, stay hydrated because there is no coverage from the sun.Oh yeah, be sure to put on sunscreen - it’s a cooker.You will love it.

Good luck! I usually race this one every year but had to skip it this time. The 6 AM Saturday start time is amazing and leaves so much of the day and Sunday left to celebrate. When you feel the jellyfish stings on your mouth face and hands, just take it as encouragement to swim harder

Be aware it’s currently red flags so check the flags before your practice swims. If it’s double red it’s illegal to swim don’t do it.

Be very careful on the bike turn around in the woods, the mats can get slick and not worth ending your day. Bike is very faster other than the turn around. Keep your head on a swivel on the beach road for cars pulling out. Other than that last few miles traffic shouldn’t be an issue.

No shade on the run so it’s hotter than you expect even if the forecast is right.

It’s a great race and venue you’ll really enjoy it, great choice for your first.

We have some Slowtwitch GOODLIFE Racing team members present if you want to catch up with any of them DM and I can connect you. They will be happy to meet and talk. good luck racing!!! Super exciting for you.

I had no idea we have a team. I totally missed the GoodLife team article last September. I will be at Gulf Coast too and would love to try to connect with a few others. I will DM you.

Be aware it’s currently red flags so check the flags before your practice swims. If it’s double red it’s illegal to swim don’t do it.

I did it a couple of years ago. A storm came through on Friday afternoon and destroyed the T area. The folks who had already checked their bikes in were quite worried about their bikes (rightfully). They changed bike check in to the morning of the race.

The swim was cancelled, so it was a 69.1 instead of a 70.3.

The second bike turn around was plastic when I did it (not wood). New bikers were quite timid.

Good race.

It is double red flags today so no swimming. Gulf looks pretty rough. Chance of storms all day tomorrow and looking pretty good for Saturday. Good luck to all.