Looks like current water temp is 77, with light 2 to 3 foot waves expected Sat and 10 mph winds. That would be nice.
Temps for Sat expected 84-89, with 20% chance of scattered t-showers. Also calling for showers Thur and Fri.
Anybody know whether the bike course is going to be same as last year or is is all under construction?
Can’t wait to get down there.
I really wish the water would hold steady at 77. I’ll really be disapointed if it’s no wetsuit!
Where are you getting the water temp from? At lease it looks like chance of rain, so there should be some clouds to break up the sun beating down on everyone during the run!!
Jason Kelly (most reliable local met) says the near shore water temperature is running about 76F right now.
Partly Cloudy High 84°F Precip 20%
Wind: WSW 12 mph
Max. Humidity: 71%
UV Index: 10+ Extreme
Sunrise: 5:53 AM CT
Avg. High: 82°F
Record High: 90°F (2002)
Partly Cloudy Overnight Low
Wind: SW 7 mph
Max. Humidity: 74%
Sunset: 7:28 PM CT
Avg. Low: 59°F
Record Low: 46°F (1984)
May 6, 2008, 1:46pm
That station hasn’t been working for a while. Here’s a better link:
You have to scroll down a bit to get to PCB.