Guessing Game: Predict the outcome of the US Presidential Election-READ the rules post 1

This thread is solely for a chance to guess or predict the outcome of the electoral college vote in upcoming US Presidential election. This is not a thread for comments or opinions. Any text beyond a simple statement of the results you predict will be deleted from the thread by the moderator. You can come back and edit your guess at any time. The results are of the electoral college votes.

The thread will be closed on Nov 5, 2024 the day of the election and then when decided we will see who had the best guess.
Your guess/ prediction is to be in the form:

Results of Presidential election:
Republican xxx Democrat xxx

Anything further will result in elimination from the thread this is just for fun and to see how things change as the date draws closer. There is nothing for the winner(s) except bragging rights. This thread has the blessing of the great Slowman may he moderate in good health.

MODERATOR’S EDIT: i am pasting some directions on how to make your own electoral map that another user (J_R) kindly posted.

To make and post ones own map:

  1. Open your reply text box to this LR thread
  2. In a separate browser window go to
  3. Make your picks
  4. Choose share map
  5. Pick the farthest right share icon that has </> and a little mountain in it
  6. A smaller map pops up. Skip the copy code, just drag that image to the LR tab and drop in the text box

Results of Presidential election:

Results of Presidential election:
Republican 219 Democrat 318

I think trump is a weaker candidate than he was in 2020, so I think Harris wins by similar numbers:

306 D 232 R

Results of Presidential election:

Democrat 278
Republican 260

297 D
241 R

Trump picks up Nevada (enough service industry people buy into his “no tax on tips” bullshit).

Popular vote about +5m to Harris.

Minor civil unrest.

We will never hear the end of it in Trump’s lifetime.

Dem 270. Rep 268. What J_R said

Dem 270. Rep 268. What J_R said

I came up with this too, but decided I didn’t like it that close because it would cause unending problems. So I had to make some changes, 303 for Harris to 235 for Trump

Results of Presidential election:
Republican 237 Democrat 301

I have a Dream!

Results of Presidential election:
Democrat 406 Republican 132

Results of Presidential election:
Republican 262 Democrat 276

My map shows;

Democracy 301. Trump 237


Rep 189 Dem 349

Since this far out its pointless and I can change it later.
