Groundhog Gallop Trail Half-Marathon Race Report (1st overall)

Hey ST! I’m back with yet another, possibly unwanted, and certainly redundant, race report. This time it’s a trail half-marathon in Greensboro, NC. As always, being busted by Durham police on Valentine’s Day, sexual dalliances with trolls, and the Capri-Sun saga ensue.
Thanks so, so much for reading, and for all the support (whether on the forum, the blog, or the trails). You guys are awesome :slight_smile:

Executive Summary:
1st overall in 1:17:39. It was extremely muddy on the second lap, which provided an exciting in-race frolicking opportunity. And post-race, it provided a convenient excuse. Luckily, I won by 9 minutes, because I had lots of fiber the day before and the splatter radius was at least 20 feet.

Mud. Yeah…mud.

Saturday was our Valentine’s Day. It was also our April Fools Day. WE DON’T SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR CONFORMIST CALENDARS. Or do we? It’s a Valenfools mystery! Anyway, we were both still a bit sore from the half-marathon the week before (“we” of course refers to me and my imaginary girlfriend. Pet name: Sasquatch. Theoretical beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately, sometimes all-too-real back hair is as well. In our case, love hurts the most when it scratches a cornea.). After wearing racing flats for 13.1 miles, I wouldn’t have been surprised if a group of Midwestern, homonym-susceptible famers followed me around, ready to slaughter my useless, flailing calves to make veal. Since they were from the Midwest, I evaded their butcher knives by trapping them in the apartment, and scratching out the telephone number to the local forklift company in the Yellow Pages.

After the race, we romantically shared Fritos Scops, peanut butter, and Capri Sun for recovery. It was like one of the aforementioned Iowans made love to a tropical melon using JIF lubricant…IN OUR MOUTHS. Limping back to Duke, we began the evening by watching the elite women’s mile at the Husky Classic. Amazing person and close friend Lauren Bonds won an incredible race over Jordan Hasay! It is so cool that two of the people I am closest to, two of the best human beings I have ever met (Lauren and the imaginary girlfriend) might be Olympians one day. I WILL PROFIT MIGHTILY FROM MY LOCKS OF HAIR COLLECTION. (watch the amazing video…think I am cool by association :slight_smile:

With that amazing finish as a start to the evening, we proceeded to do some stuff that might be deemed romantic, had I not been oozing peanut butter and high-fructose corn syrup from my pores. When we returned to the car, we saw 3 policeman (with dogs!) shining bright spotlights on my pint-sized Suzuki Reno. We approached and asked if everything was okay, which led to being chided for being in a non-perfect part of town, parked in an abandoned park after-hours, all while leaving the doors open. So the officers searched the car, but before letting us go asked one question:

“Why are there so many empty Capri-Suns in the back seat?”

Ummmm…well, we are TOTALLY not dealers.
/smoke bomb
/post-race getaway limp

With that rebelliously refreshing day of foil-wrapped juice-drinks in our future, we drove to Greensboro, NC for a half-marathon trail race. After getting lost 3 times, we arrived at the race site, which is good because at this point of Western North Carolina, it was either that or a gathering of inbred mutants intent on using our extremities for chainsaw practice. We signed up, warmed up, romantically pooped in the woods, AND THEY’RE OFF!

Last second hydration in the “Delicious” division.

The first 3/4 of a mile were on park roads, after which we hopped onto twisty single-track (my specialty, I think), plunging down towards a river. Suddenly, I found myself circumventing a wooden structure that looked oddly like a gallows, and was immediately confronted by a fallen tree next to a dilapidated bridge. There may have been a troll, but I am not 100% sure because I turned around as soon as the sinking feeling of losing the trail seeped into my loins. Seeing my mistake, I promised myself I wouldn’t repeat it on the second lap. (FOREBODING GONG SOUNDS)

With the urgency sapped by my flirtatious dalliance with the troll, the race transformed into an exploration, consisting of skips and jumps, thinking as much about my partner-in-Capri-Sun-crime as my own body. Hitting wider horse trails (trails…MADE OF HORSES), I had a disconcerting feeling. In an upset of expectations, it was mud, and not troll herpes. Opening up the stride on the grassy, solid sections, I tried to accelerate whenever I could, while taking the more treacherous sections more easily.

Back onto the single-track, we came to the first of four stream-crossings. There were also rocks for the daintier among us, and being a delicate flower, I did an uncoordinated Black Swan routine across the Boulders. After doing an out-and-back whose divots were impregnated with horse poop, I finished the first loop with a substantial lead in 37:14. Little did I know what awaited me on the quickly thawing trails.

There Will Be Mud. And puns.

After the road section, it was clear that the trail would play tougher on the next 6.5. Bounding down towards the river, I (of course) paid the troll another visit. He refused to pay child support, so I was on my way, back on the trail, trying to stay upright. Hint: I failed. Luckily, if there is anything that playing football taught me, it’s how to go down.*

*Let’s forget I ever worded a sentence this way

Getting up from my 3 falls, I decided to take it super-easy on muddy sections, then sprint everywhere else. The gap to second-place opening, the only remaining obstacles were the last 2 stream crossings. Lapping another racer, I showed my cutthroat urgency:

Such a gentleman. And I hear that he rarely lets his poop splatter on strangers!

After the creek, it was only a mile until the finish, where I excitedly awaited the arrival of my beautiful Valentine. She was amazing, and won the women’s race by 7 mintues over Team Montrail’s Annette Bednosky (a super-cool, really nice person). It was a perfect day, and it is so exciting to be living in a moment that I know, on some distant Valentine’s, I will look back on and think:

That was the best time of my life.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope things are great in your lives!

love the race reports man… you’ve really inspired me to put more into mine as of late… keep them coming

As always, being busted by Durham police on Valentine’s Day

At least you can represent yourself.

Congrats :slight_smile:

love the race reports man… you’ve really inspired me to put more into mine as of late… keep them coming

Thanks so much! Racing and training are just off-shoots of life, so it’s awesome to hear something like that. Love the blog too, added to favorites :slight_smile:

“you’ve really inspired me to put more into mine as of late”

This is the first time someone has said this to me in a situation that didn’t involve a speedo and an extra-large pair of balled-up tube socks.

At least you can represent yourself.

Congrats :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I was told by a professor today, “That sounded really good Mr. Roche, but you are completely wrong.” My first-year law licence is probably revoked. Which sucks, because my go-to bar pick-up line was “Girl, I am applying for admittance to the sexiest part of the Bar.”
/winks while pulling up a stool
///Bro’s, she touched me

Thanks a ton, really appreciate it TC :slight_smile:

You are awesome. And everything you said today means so, so much. Lauren and I (the miler in the video) talked about our athletic futures today, and I was downright giddy, just at the abstract concept.

congrads thanks for the laughs also

!(file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/USER1D%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.png) An entertaining read, as always. Nice vid of your friend’s race too…I’m really impressed with you.

ps. Could be considered inspirational too, as I had to go the the bathroom after reading. :slight_smile:

Great race reports. If you love muddy, winding single tracks, you need to come to Louisville Lovin’ the Hills one February…

An entertaining read, as always. Nice vid of your friend’s race too…I’m really impressed with you.

ps. Could be considered inspirational too, as I had to go the the bathroom after reading. :slight_smile:

Thanks a ton! When she makes the Olympics, I plan to put it on my resume :slight_smile:

Most of my writing makes people have to go to the bathroom! Usually it’s coming out of the other end, but the smelly step-brother of mouth-vomit is the shart.

Great race reports. If you love muddy, winding single tracks, you need to come to Louisville Lovin’ the Hills one February…

That race looks awesome! I think the 15-miler would be a great challenge too. Might be a perfect vacation in 2012, before the Mayan Apocalypse of December from which only John Cusack can save us.

Really appreciative of the compliment, hope the race was perfect on Saturday!

congrads thanks for the laughs also

In an odd coincidence, this is the same thing that the “pretty woman” said to me after my first sexual experience.

Seriously though, thanks so much :slight_smile:

Fun read and congrats on CRUSHING the competition!! But why did you decide to keep the shirt on? I would expect you let out a loud war hoot at the beginning of the race ;^)

Fun read and congrats on CRUSHING the competition!! But why did you decide to keep the shirt on? I would expect you let out a loud war hoot at the beginning of the race ;^)

There was a debate between the imaginary girlfriend and I. The plan was to go shirtless, but the wind picked up and she advised against it. So I blame her for any abrasions from the falls, because my thickets of chest hair otherwise would have broken the fall.

Did that work? Can I pull of manly? GRRRR…RED MEAT AND BRUSKI’S.

Your athletic prowess is only outshone by your biting wit and ravaging intellect. Your awesomeness holds you vicariously liable for the heart flutters you cause the womenz.

Keep up the good work!

Your athletic prowess is only outshone by your biting wit and ravaging intellect. Your awesomeness holds you vicariously liable for the heart flutters you cause the womenz.

Keep up the good work!

Hard-core pornography is hard to define, but I know it when I see it. And your post is it. How do I know?..Do you think I am typing with my hands?

Thanks so much, you rock!

Your trail half-marathon time is better than my road half-marathon time. The only thing I have going for me over you at this point is that I managed to put together a decent marathon and your only attempt at the distance was roughly equivalent to Rudy Guiliana’s republican primary bid (who knew a cross-dressing, Eye-talian from NY couldn’t win?)

I hate you. Show your birth certificate!

Your athletic prowess is only outshone by your biting wit and ravaging intellect. Your awesomeness holds you vicariously liable for the heart flutters you cause the womenz.

Keep up the good work!

Hard-core pornography is hard to define, but I know it when I see it. And your post is it. How do I know?..Do you think I am typing with my hands?

Thanks so much, you rock!

I had a witty response but it was dirtier than half of the poop sex slang found on Urban Dictionary, so I thought better of responding.

I was thinking mor like a Comanche war cry . Manly but with a bit of femine screech. Should fit well;0) then you can man handl the imaginary girlfriend a bit and rub her head into you thickets of chest hair.