Groin friction and resultant chafing

I have a fit client that I’ve seen twice whose primary comfort issue is skin on skin friction on the inside of the leg and groin. He is a former body builder with larger legs, limited hip internal rotation, a slight externally rotated gait and lateral knee tracking. During his initial fit there were observed differences between right and left on knee angles BDC and TDC. I think a part of this was the result of him sitting off center on his saddle to favor one particular side that was effected more acutely.

Oh, he uses gobs of various lubricants and as tried every expensive bib short. Any other fitters have some real world experience and/or solutions?

Have you looked at widening his pedal platform? Moving pedals out laterally has helped others in this situation for me. I used these:

I’ve had one or two riders with ‘skin on skin’ issues, one male one female. A little more detail would be helpful as wot ‘where’ exactly. When you say groin area, can you match the skin area to the muscle underneath?
Adductor Magnus (proximal or distal)
Adductor Longus (proximal or distal)

Is the skin red, broken or ‘zitty’? Has the rider consulted a doctor/dermatologist (eliminate possible bacterial infection).
Is the rider hairy? Strategic depilation may reduce follicle aggravation.
Is the riders’ saddle lycra covered? Leather covers reduce ‘sticktion’ between shorts and saddle.

You might try the reverse of lubrication, and go for dry: cornstarch or organic baby rash powder (avoid baby powders with talcum)

Also look at the pre and post ride cleanliness. Does he shower before he rides? Does he shower immediately after he rides? How quickly does he wash his cycling shorts after he rides? Does the irritation get worse/better depending on temperature/humidity/length of ride/type of ride (intervals, climbing, recovery)? Has he tried wider saddles? Thinner saddles? (not knowing where this irritation is)


Thanks for the reply. The skin friction is basically at the “crease” of the inner leg (adductors) and the perineum. It’s somewhat hard to say with any certainty the adductors that correspond with the source of the friction without resorting to an awkward inspection, but I would probably say gracilis.

He removes hair in the region. It’s discomfort that limits him consistently to thirty miles or less, has bothered him for literally years, so is irrespective of daily hygiene.

why no talc?

Thanks for the reply. I believe I widened the stance width on his existing pedals AMAP, but you bring up something that seems like it’s a no-brainer intervention to try. I would have to imagine, though, that widening would have to be pretty significant to make a significant impact.

I will pursue that, however. thx.

Give it a try. I’m constantly amazed at the difference a minute change makes in fitting.
And let me know. I’m curious.

I absolutely will update you on the progress. Thanks again for the responses here.

definitely talc

Can’t give you a scientific reason for ‘no talc’, just that the half dozen or so riders for whom we’ve tried the dry powder route, corn starch worked better for them over talc. It may be that some of those cornstarch based powders also include aloe.

Last but not least, there are dermatological conditions that occur at these ‘crease’ areas on the body called Intertrigo. Suggest your rider see a dermatologist to eliminate this possible cause.

Check the finish of his seat fir skuffing and look for bent rails.

Sometimes you have to fit shorts tight so that they move with the skin not abrading it.

Since your client is a former bodybuilder you might discreetly ask the question about steroid use. It can play havoc with the skin.

Is it on one side more than the other? In this link
the foot-pedal is often over looked wit side saddle rub. Sounds like there could be more going on as well.