Graston Technique (1)

Does anyone know anything about the Graston Technique.I switched chiropractors this week because my old one really did not know how to deal with athletes. I have been having a rough season due to a strained anterior tib as result of freak accident. My new Chiropractor did this treatment on me yestrday and I am totally battered to day in my shoulder and anterior tib areas which he worked on. He sadi the first time there could be bruising which is definitely the case. The question is has anyone else tried this and what are the results.

I haven’t had it done to me, but I’ve tried using the technique on others. It’s a great tool and provides great feedback to the clinician. With everything else, I’m sure your results will depend on the experience and expertise of the provider. BTW, keep using before determining your opinion as it will take some time to get over your initial ‘battered’ feeling.

I plan on continued use of this technique. I have used chiropractic for 10 years with great sucess and have been dealing with this A tib injury for close to 4 months. It has been frustratiing due to new age group this year and was expecting some big national results. While I have not written off this season, I need to get this injury cured before I attempt any racing on it. I am able to run but not after PT and now this treatment. I do have black and Blue marks where he worked on it, but was told to expect that. I probably should not have run today but was given the go ahead last evening and went for it. I am very cautious with my running through injury, being a competitive runner for 41 years has taught me self restraint.

The battered/bruised feeling is normal; I’ve had Graston done a number of times and it is helpful since the purpose is to scrape away any adhesions from the tissue to help promote healing. I had it done mainly on my calf to deal with scar tissue that had built up from an old injury and it definitely worked (I wouldn’t have been able to run the Boston Marathon one year without it). It hurts like a bitch when it is being done and the soreness/bruising is normal (especially if you haven’t had it done before), but I can say from my own experience that it is beneficial.

Hope this helps, good luck!

How soon after treatment did you run on it. After each treatment it is supposed to be easier or that is what I am told. I may schedule an off day running next week after i get second treatment.

I used it for calf/plantars trouble. x2 on the pain, swelling and bruising, but it worked great for me. I had 4 treatments, was back running. Barbaric but effective.

I used to wiat until the following day to give it time to do it’s thing and heal. If anything, I did a light spin as a workout afterwards since there was less strain/pounding on the muscle.

It worked great for me. I had chronic plantar fasc. and shin splints. Had graston done on both. It was painful, but I have not had an issue now for over 3 years. I highly recommend it.

Similar to the other poster, I had it done on scar tissue in a calf. Incredible, and almost immediate results!!! I had a total of probably 6 or 7 sessions, and all hurt to the max, but as he explained to me, if he can work deeper (more hurt), the results are faster. I ran even the same day, as it felt better the minute he was done. The bruising was pretty much every time I had it, but the results were amazing. I would definitely use it as a first step in the future. Let me know if you have any more questions, but like you, I thought my season was over, and he had me back in a very short time. Good luck!

I’ve had three sessions on my achilles/calf over the past two weeks. I definitely felt a bit banged up from it the first time, but it gets better - though getting your achilles scraped absolutely sucks every time. It’s not a panacea, but I’ve had my first consecutive pain-free runs in 2 months and it probably saved IMLP for me.

It helped me with a nasty case of ITB when I first came into the sport. Also, I was having significant pain in my hip flexor area several days before a race. I couldn’t run without limping. Had Graston done 2 days before the race and was 100% on race day. It works really well.