Governor Kristi Noem sure loves dogs

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

That is incredibly sick and disturbing.

Did she also say she likes to start fires?

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Don’t you have an enormous Biden crime family criminal conspiracy to uncover?

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

That is very sad and screwed up from my point of view but I was not raised on a farm where killing animals is an everyday occurrence. I would never kill a dog unless it was trying to kill me or my kids, or one of my other dogs, but country people are different.

My dad grew up on a farm and his mom would grab a chicken for dinner, ring its neck in front of the kids and have them puck the feathers off its dead body.

Apparently they had cats they would call barn cats that would eat the mice and keep the rodent population under control. They didnt’ feed the barn cats or treat them as pets. The barn cats would mate and my grandfather would take the litter of kittens, put them in a sack with a brick and throw them in the river. Can’t have too many cats running around. When I heard that story, I was pissed at grandpa and basically didn’t want to see him anymore when I was a kid. I learned as I got older that farm people are just a little different about pets and animals than I am.

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Don’t you have an enormous Biden crime family criminal conspiracy to uncover?

I don’t but thanks for asking and keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Don’t you have an enormous Biden crime family criminal conspiracy to uncover?

I don’t but thanks for asking and keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Wait, you’re saying Biden is innocent?!

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Don’t you have an enormous Biden crime family criminal conspiracy to uncover?

I don’t but thanks for asking and keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Wait, you’re saying Biden is innocent?!

Of course. He’s just out doing what’s right for America. Have a good rest of your day and good luck !! Gotta go.

Yes I believe it is. Thank you for raising this important issue. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Don’t you have an enormous Biden crime family criminal conspiracy to uncover?

I don’t but thanks for asking and keep up the good work. Thumbs up !!

Wait, you’re saying Biden is innocent?!

Of course. He’s just out doing what’s right for America. Have a good rest of your day and good luck !! Gotta go.

Finally, we agree (a 2nd time).

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

How many of your dogs have you shot? She also dragging her goat to a gravel pit and shooting it. Do you usually shoot your goats?

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

How many of your dogs have you shot? She also dragging her goat to a gravel pit and shooting it. Do you usually shoot your goats?

I bet farm people normally slit their goat’s throats so as not to need a bullet. Cabrito is some good eating.

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

How many of your dogs have you shot? She also dragging her goat to a gravel pit and shooting it. Do you usually shoot your goats?

Deplorable. Makes Romney look like a saint.

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

How many of your dogs have you shot? She also dragging her goat to a gravel pit and shooting it. Do you usually shoot your goats?

Deplorable. Makes Romney look like a saint.

didn’t someone shoot Cheney? He’s not a goat or a dog.

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

She did say it was “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with,” but there was no example (in that article) of the dog ever having a negative interaction with a person. Despite an example of it being dangerous to chickens. Granted the article makes no pretense of being fair to Noem.

We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years.

If you want more real, honest, and politically INcorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping, preorder…

Using putting your family horses down to drum up clicks to your book…which has a story about shooting your dog in a gravel pit…

I get it - a useful tactic to generate social media likes and clicks, provoking the DSW’s of the world to go into a frenzy of propagating your posts so then your fans can be titillated by the “gasping” and get some more books sales in the process.

And maybe both the dog and the horses were completely normal farm life events in reality. But this is not a thing good people do, using your putting down of beloved family horses to drum up some book sales.

Good job skipping the rest of what she said about the dog.

She did say it was “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with,” but there was no example (in that article) of the dog ever having a negative interaction with a person. Despite an example of it being dangerous to chickens. Granted the article makes no pretense of being fair to Noem.

We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years.

If you want more real, honest, and politically INcorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping, preorder…

Using putting your family horses down to drum up clicks to your book…which has a story about shooting your dog in a gravel pit…

I get it - a useful tactic to generate social media likes and clicks, provoking the DSW’s of the world to go into a frenzy of propagating your posts so then your fans can be titillated by the “gasping” and get some more books sales in the process.

And maybe both the dog and the horses were completely normal farm life events in reality. But this is not a thing good people do, using your putting down of beloved family horses to drum up some book sales.

When ever I read a quote like DSW posted I start hunting around to see if it’s true. In my experience, if it seems too crazy to be true, there is usually more to the story.

She might still be a bad person, but this story has more context that matters.

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Maybe she should replace Harris as VP. Seems the Biden family could use someone to help out with their dog.

this story has more context that matters.

True, it totally left out the fact she killed three horse and a goat too and the fact that the puppy that she killed was only 14 months old. He also left out the quote from Noem’s daughter …“Hey, where’s Cricket?”.

Do you think she is trying to get attention for the VP spot?

Is cruelty, betrayal, and unadulterated stupidity a prerequisite for her job? Seems so.

Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs

“The South Dakota governor said she hated her dog, named Cricket, because she was aggressive and “less than worthless” for hunting.”

Maybe she should replace Harris as VP. Seems the Biden family could use someone to help out with their dog.

Commander has probably crossed that golden bridge to Valhalla by now. Little bastard was trying to eat all the secret service guys. I blame it on Biden. There are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners.

this story has more context that matters.

True, it totally left out the fact she killed three horse and a goat too and the fact that the puppy that she killed was only 14 months old. He also left out the quote from Noem’s daughter …“Hey, where’s Cricket?”.

Do you think she is trying to get attention for the VP spot?

Safe bet that we’ll be treated to all of Trump’s potential VP picks trying to outdo each other’s “I killed my animal/pet/loved one” stories.

That said, I’m guessing Ted Cruz takes the win: