Got Banned - Need Help/Clarification

I never see the “win/win” of any forum ownership group spending too many resources policing the “off topic” forum topic area.

Our car group years ago fixed this with a waiver acceptance to join the “off topic” where you basically waive your rights away to not be offended and waive your rights to “excessive policing” in the sense that if you disobey the hard laws of the land of “off topic” you get spat out permanently.

Not some kind of constant “soft community steering” like you see in the more “core” forum topic areas.

It’s just a lose lose. You tie your resources up in petty interactions without much gain. We’ve been luck in the past to have what we had I guess.

The car groups were always just: “permanent ban from Off Topic: violation of rule xxxxx for post #####” with the quote. End of story.

I would just say in the main forums they need to be a bit careful because squashing dissent on feedback received can be biting the hand that literally might be helping feed the main forums.

I wish everyone well, surely it isn’t a fun time that kind of work having to be done behind the scenes.

When you’ve been gone but nobody noticed…

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His comment was weird. Nothing about this thread encompasses “typical” LR content. Not sure what he’s after here.