Got Banned - Need Help/Clarification

This afternoon I was banned without notice. Thankfully it was reversed when I inquired but when I asked for specifics on the incident I was told it didn’t matter. Upon follow up saying that I didn’t understand and felt it was unacceptable I was told that “maybe [Slowtwitch] isn’t the place for me to find the peace you deserve”

I was vocal about the initial changes. And I was vocal about these recent ones. I was also one of the only ones to thank the moderators for what they were doing despite our gripes.
Today I admit I was consistent with my posting but I truly am not sure where I or others crossed the line. And when trying to find out I don’t know how its constructive to blow me off. Especially if Id like to remain a member of the community and abide by the new rules. I just need to know what they are.

I’ve been an ardent supporter for 12 years and have done my best to stay within my user lane the entire time. I read the guidelines and I did my best to stay respectful. If someone can help me I’m open to the constructive criticisms.

Moderators, if you can give a little more specifics so we’re not flying blind it would be appreciated. This community has been important and valuable to me for over a decade. Id rather not have this be a constant uncertainty. And I really hope this thread doesn’t result in further repercussions against me. I’m asking to know what the rules are so I can play the game.

Thank you.


I support this discussion. Because I have had a few additional thoughts today, but held to myself. I am happy to share but not sure if they will be my last.

I didn’t find anything you or BCtriguy said to be out of bounds. You were both family friendly.


I have not paid any attention to the discussions about the changes so I don’t know what you may have said but I have always found you to be one of the more reasonable people here. We may disagree, and throw the occasional rock, but that is pretty normal.


Hopefully the moderators will be good enough to clarify the rules and guidelines. Some of the Community Guidelines appear to be subjective and left up to a moderator’s opinions. Banning should be a last resort after receiving several warnings that outline specifically what crossed the lines. Since the Community Guidelines seem to indicate they can ban people at any time for any reason how will anyone know if they’ve crossed a line that’s been left unstated? Subjective enforcement is the absolute worst kind and I’ve been banned by that kind of thing before by places like TNO. No warning, no explanation. No wonder that place folded. Heavy handed enforcement may soon be coming here. Too soon to tell, but since several like you have already had this happen, it’s likely to affect many others very soon.

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And this was what finally killed TNO. Haden(?) got thin skinned after the I’m Dissappointed thread and started banning people because they looked at him cross eyed. It went from a gradual decline to an outright crash in a few days.

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I was also temporarily suspended today. The reasoning given was simply “too combative”. Like Yeeper, I inquired and the suspension was quickly lifted, which I am appreciative of. The reason given was “a different moderator suspended your account, I have now lifted the ban”.

I have no idea what post or thread was deemed “too combative”. I went through my postings and honestly nothing jumped out at me as being overboard or disrespectful, despite the fact that I have concerns about the upcoming changes.

I would also like to have more clarity here. The community guidelines are incredibly vague and say something like (paraphrasing) “post as if you were publishing something to the New York Times”. Which, to me, seems like a great way to kill conversation, because nobody speaks to other people like they are publishing anything to the New York Times.


You where not “Banned” you where put on timeout. and the mesage told you why. So stick around if you want. But change subjects and allow us to look into things that you and the other users have told us.

We are looking into everything and we are taking the feedback given.

I can support this

Is there a way to find out what was the offending post?

My email simply said “you have been silenced from the forum until sept 16th at 7am. Reason: Too combative” but there was no link to an offending post that was flagged or anything.

It would be good to know. Obviously, I would not like to be banned again, but I have no idea what I did or said that ended up in me being “silenced”. Any insight here would be appreciated.

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Ok I was suspended from using the forum for an uncertain amount of time. For as long as this forum has been around that’s been called being banned: either temporarily or permanently or anything in between. I was banned from using the forum for X time.

Regarding the message: no I wasn’t given any information. I was simply informed I was on hold for precautionary purposes. See screenshot.

Also are you saying I’m supposed to refrain from posting in the same thread? What does “change subjects” mean?

@Yeeper The reason I put you on timeout is that you continue to talk in circles about the same thing over and over again and in doing so you continue to poke at us. You continue to disrespect other forum members when they tell you to calm down that nothing has happened. Now I invited to talk to over DM or a call but you refused to do so. We have heard your feedback and we are looking at things. I would suggest you change the subject and let us do what we do…Keep this website open and running the best way we can so that you and all of us can contiune to be here. We heard you the first time and we are looknig at things.


Just FYI, I got the same message, but in the actual email notification there was a short line about reasoning. Again, it just said “reason - too combative”.

So, not a ton of info, but a bit more than the ST notification gave.

Talking in circles is what is left when nobody wants to direct traffic. Hence, this thread.

When Dan had or has something to say, he speaks clearly and directly. And there is due respect and deference afforded to him.

This entire rolling conversation was not started out of the blue, or out of spite. It was initiated by your vague and somewhat probing statement.

The only poster who said calm down is someone looking to agitate.

I am going to timeout myself a bit. I look forward to you all sifting through the thoughts and feedback of folks here even longer then me. And I look forward to further participation.


Where are these? I still can’t find a damn thing.

I guess it’s being gentrified? Who are the new mods perhaps they can give us their vision and intent?

Who is the “we” was there another sale?

What was broken? I don’t understand why a change was needed? New software doesn’t mean changes are needed?

If you go up to the lefthand menu and click on “More” then “About” you can then click on Terms of Service.

Now I see the email. Never even thought to look there seeing as I got an automated message on the board. Same message - “Too Combative” and my timeout was until tomorrow morning 10am.
