Goodbye Until At Least the Day After Election Day

Good on you… I find it like a car crash, I tell myself walk away and dont look back. But then I come back.

Good on you… I find it like a car crash, I tell myself walk away and dont look back. But then I come back.

You do more than come back, you get in the car, drive straight into the wall and start another political thread.

It’s heavy here big kahuna. Best to get out of the lineup and head back with the other paddlepuss.

More seriously I’ve been saying for a while now that I can’t believe how seriously people take this stuff. We’re talking keyboard warrioring not real life.


Interesting perspective. I find it funny how you see this now, considering how, for many years, you were the main shit disturber and purveyor of senseless political polarization in this forum.

See ya.

You’ll get a warmer reception, at least from me, if when you come back, you don’t try to gaslight us. My tolerance for that is, frankly, zero. Best to your family.

I have to side with our last two Canadian friends. I’m sorry you weren’t around for the last post election set to. I look forward to your return then after this year’s election. Maybe you can answer Ike’s rebuttal about non support of the youngish Obama presidency.

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads per day about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads per day about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

He’s disillusioned because most of the longtime righties have gone into shameful hiding or now see the GOP for what it is and are now accused of being lefties.

All we have left are a few trolls.

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads * per day * about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

He’s disillusioned because most of the longtime righties have gone into shameful hiding or now see the GOP for what it is and are now accused of being lefties.

All we have left are a few trolls.

Since a number of the non troll righties left not long after Trump lost or Jan. 6, maybe they’ll come back if he wins again. There used to be people here who genuinely were conned by Trump. Now it just seems like anyone who sort of supports him is just a troll or does so because he’s their tribe’s leader, and they try to find a silver lining in that orange cloud of toxicity.

Really? You were back for a few days and already started spewing shit posts around the Lavender Room. Now you want to claim you are some kind of victim and others ruined your kumbaya return?


Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads * per day * about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Tony is very well aware of what he is (attempting to be) doing.

Bad form to be announcing that you are leaving: just leave.

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads * per day * about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Tony is very well aware of what he is (attempting to be) doing.

Bad form to be announcing that you are leaving: just leave.

Is the the guy who would write page long posts all the time?

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads * per day * about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Tony is very well aware of what he is (attempting to be) doing.

Bad form to be announcing that you are leaving: just leave.

Is the the guy who would write page long posts all the time?

Among other things. The key fact I remember is that he admitted to posting crap that he knew was not true.

Really? You were back for a few days and already started spewing shit posts around the Lavender Room. Now you want to claim you are some kind of victim and others ruined your kumbaya return?


Playing the victim is his dear leader’s favourite move.

Seriously. The guy spent literally years starting multiple threads * per day * about Obama, then comes back and laments about how hostile the LR political discussion has become.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Tony is very well aware of what he is (attempting to be) doing.

Bad form to be announcing that you are leaving: just leave.

Is the the guy who would write page long posts all the time?

Among other things. The key fact I remember is that he admitted to posting crap that he knew was not true.

I think I just put him on my informal ignore list and never paid any attention to him, TLDR.

I think nostalgia has obscured how caustic this place was leading up to elections (2008 & 2012, especially). I think that you gave as good as you got, and that you took short breaks after them to recalibrate. This place is pretty much the same, though there is more of a relatively “moderate” groupthink that has chased off many of the most extreme MAGA posters (there are hardly any true leftists either). Whether that is a good or bad thing is certainly up for debate. I don’t post as much anymore, the LR isn’t as free-wheeling, and you were a big part of that. Please come back at some point. Peace!

I think nostalgia has obscured how caustic this place was leading up to elections (2008 & 2012, especially). I think that you gave as good as you got, and that you took short breaks after them to recalibrate. This place is pretty much the same, though there is more of a relatively “moderate” groupthink that has chased off many of the most extreme MAGA posters (there are hardly any true leftists either). Whether that is a good or bad thing is certainly up for debate. I don’t post as much anymore, the LR isn’t as free-wheeling, and you were a big part of that. Please come back at some point. Peace!

Spoken like a true communist leftist. You can’t even recognize that this cesspool is a left-wing, communist circle jerk.

I think nostalgia has obscured how caustic this place was leading up to elections (2008 & 2012, especially). I think that you gave as good as you got, and that you took short breaks after them to recalibrate. This place is pretty much the same, though there is more of a relatively “moderate” groupthink that has chased off many of the most extreme MAGA posters (there are hardly any true leftists either). Whether that is a good or bad thing is certainly up for debate. I don’t post as much anymore, the LR isn’t as free-wheeling, and you were a big part of that. Please come back at some point. Peace!

Spoken like a true communist leftist. You can’t even recognize that this cesspool is a left-wing, communist circle jerk.

True dat, Comrade!

Really? You were back for a few days and already started spewing shit posts around the Lavender Room. Now you want to claim you are some kind of victim and others ruined your kumbaya return?


LR etiquette question: is it customary to send invitations to one’s own pity party? And if so, should one serve refreshments?

BK has fled like a WATB, so I can’t ask him directly.