Good luck to the pregnant women of Florida and those who may become pregnant in the future

So sad your lives are now at much higher risk.

Bravo Florida, and three cheers for Republicans! All together now… “Hip hip…”

Truer words never spoken: said the anti-abortion laws being enacted by Florida and other red states are being vaguely written by people who don’t understand medical science.

The silver lining may be how hard this comes back to bite them in the ass at the next election.

Truer words never spoken: said the anti-abortion laws being enacted by Florida and other red states are being vaguely written by people who don’t understand medical science.

And ultimately shows the problem of Trump and his Mega crowd.

The Anti-abortion from personal choice debate, could have taken a more educated route and lead to laws, that were more agreeable to the masses, but instead they just plowed in uneducated very poor medical laws, that have unintended consequences that only a few are really okay with.

I always like to look at these implementations as an indication of a group or parties, either true motives or organizational intelligence. This is just yet another where the MAGA movement shows what a shit show it is, and why I struggle so much with why what appear to be fairly well educated people still attach themselves to these people. And I don’t mean it as a R vs D. The republican party had many opportunities over the past 4 yrs to move away and get back to center, but as I type this I realize this is probably no more than a continuation of the slide that started with the Tea Party movement, and has engaged passionate people, who are mostly just anti- what we have today mindset.

Clearly it has worked as they got Trump in office, and are very close to doing it again. But then what?

I think most expect Trump to just go off the rails, with personal attacks, and power grabs, which could get scary. But how much will the Rep. in the house and Senate work to get bills infront of him to sign that also further destroy this country (again not because of the Cons or liberal slant to the bills, but because they are just written so badly to have mass unintended consequences)? If re-elected I full expect a lawsuit in 4 yrs about the term limits, which, he would have a good shot at winning, (if he has not died from natural causes).

I full expect a lawsuit in 4 yrs about the term limits,

That’s pretty well entrenched in the Constitution. I expect a more indefinite period of emergency powers due to something like “election interference.” This was floated by some advisors close to Trump in 2019.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.

How much of that 6 week time span do you think a pregnancy test will reliably report a positive?

Hint: the six weeks includes time before conception.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.

How much of that 6 week time span do you think a pregnancy test will reliably report a positive?

Hint: the six weeks includes time before conception.

At least 4

I won’t be surprised if we see a case where the husband claims he raped the wife in order to get an abortion. If we had a non-viable fetus that was going to potentially harm my wife I could see having a rape on my record as a better alternative.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.

How much of that 6 week time span do you think a pregnancy test will reliably report a positive?

Hint: the six weeks includes time before conception.

At least 4

That is wrong. 4 weeks in they may not of even had sex, let alone conceived.

The six weeks pregnancy starts at the end of the of the last period. So then the women needs to ovulate, which is ~2 weeks after the end. Then a home pregnancy test only starts show positive ~10 days after conception.

So you are looking at more like less than 2 weeks to maybe 3. Not “at least 4”.

I like to bash my conservative MAGA friends with the following:

There are 3 things not mentioned in the US Constitution:

  • Abortion
  • Presidential Immunity from Civil and Criminal Prosecution
  • Christianity

If you are ok with a textual reading of the document for the first point, don’t get upset when the rest of us take a textual reading of the last 2 points.

Does the constitution anul declaration of Independence ? Also 14th amendment argues right to life ith out do process of law

Does the constitution anul declaration of Independence ? Also 14th amendment argues right to life ith out do process of law

The Declaration of Independence isn’t really law.

Also 14th amendment argues right to life ith out do process of law

?. Pls articulate how it argues.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.
Better than giving free pregnancy test, it has been floated that the government should monitoring all women’s pregnancies and investigate those that don’t come to full term. Trump said he was on board with the idea.

Women don’t know they are pregnant up to 6 weeks,
… if they don’t take a pregnancy test. At least FL should provide free pregnancy tests.

How much of that 6 week time span do you think a pregnancy test will reliably report a positive?

Hint: the six weeks includes time before conception.

At least 4

That is wrong. 4 weeks in they may not of even had sex, let alone conceived.

The six weeks pregnancy starts at the end of the of the last period. So then the women needs to ovulate, which is ~2 weeks after the end. Then a **home pregnancy test only starts show positive ~10 days after conception. **

So you are looking at more like less than 2 weeks to maybe 3. Not “at least 4”.

What the hell are you talking about, I read what your wrote to say, 4 weeks after getting pregnant they might not even have had sex… Can you explain how that is possible?

I know 27yrs ago, 1 week after having sex my wife’s pregnancy test came back positive, actually that happened 27, 24, and 21 yrs ago. So I’ll still with 4 weeks.

I don’t now florida law, but I doubt it says you have 6 weeks from ovulation to get an abortion.

But at least you agree with me on the test will show positive less than 2 weeks after you get pregnant so Although you said I was wrong, you then turn around and say yes you would have about 4 weeks to know you are pregnant. Now to have this early warning you need to be taking a pregnancy test about week after each time you had sex. But if you live in Florida that is what you are now required to do if you think you might want an abortion if pregnant.

**The six weeks pregnancy starts at the end of the of the last period. ** So then the women needs to ovulate, which is ~2 weeks after the end. Then a home pregnancy test only starts show positive ~10 days after conception.

Is this in the Florida law??? How will they determine when the women had her last period?

I believe age of the fetus is determined through ultrasound approximation, but again, I did not read the florida law.

Don’t forget door number 2! If you actually need an abortion to save your life you can get one once you reach the point of actively dying.

Are there other healthcare interventions that require doctors to wait for you to go into septic shock to implement?

Crazy that the issue that made abortion legal in Ireland - is where we decided to go with women’s healthcare.

Don’t forget door number 2! If you actually need an abortion to save your life you can get one once you reach the point of actively dying.

Are there other healthcare interventions that require doctors to wait for you to go into septic shock to implement?

Crazy that the issue that made abortion legal in Ireland - is where we decided to go with women’s healthcare.

That was my point, I for one don’t want to get into the debate of how many weeks till you can choose an abortion.

But the law is (as many of Maga bills) so poorly that it has a ton of other implications that most people don’t really want to be impacted. Which is also a sign of bad bill.